Joe Biden emerges from his basement crypt, looking sickly

Joe Biden made his big comeback Monday, emerging after two months of COVID-19 isolation from his Delaware mansion basement. Wearing his COVID mask with matching dark glasses, he came out to lay a wreath for Memorial Day. According to the Daily Wire:

Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden made his first in-person public appearance in over two months on Monday, appearing with former Second Lady Jill Biden near their Delaware home to lay a Memorial Day wreath at a veterans park. 

It wasn't a pretty picture. His appearance was more like 'the thing that came from the crypt.' He looked frail, unwell, unfit, and certainly not happy to be there. The glasses in particular looked unnecessary under the circumstances, and coupled with a sepulchral black mask, made him look like that guy who was shrinking and morphing into an insect, saying 'help me' in the old movie 'The Fly,':





The simple task of laying a Memorial Day wreath raised unheretofore raised questions about the state of his health. Biden showed a halting walk and appeared confused about where to deposit his wife when he approached his limo.

GatewayPundit has an impressive curation off tweets and observations, premised on this filmed segment:



Biden's physician last December insisted that the former vice president was healthy. But he's not the only source out there on Biden's health. President Obama's former doctor, who has seen Biden up close, too, actually called him "not a healthy guy" back in December, when Biden's last 'excellent health' report came out, saying the former vice president had a lot of latent issues that could affect him should he become president. According to Fox News:

“He’s not a healthy guy,” said Dr. David Scheiner, who previously served as Obama's physician. According to the Washington Examiner, Scheiner read Biden's medical history and said the presidential candidate "has a lot of issues."

“He’s not in bad shape for his age, but I wouldn't say he’s in outstanding health. Could I guarantee he won't have issues for the next four years? He has a lot of issues that are just sort of sitting there," Scheiner said.

Scheiner previously told the Examiner that Biden "looked frail" during the first Democratic primary debate. "I sort of got the feeling he wasn’t very strong. It was similar to the feeling I got when Republicans started attacking Mueller so fiercely," he said

Columnist Peggy Noonan has noted that people age at different rates and Biden is "not a young 77."

His frailty is all the more notable because he's supposedly been spending his time exercising in isolation. Instead of looking healtier, he looks worse.

The situation is likely to get worse still as the presidential campaign drags on and grows more intense. Does this halting man look like someone with the energy to take on Donald Trump (who oftens seems to project some kind of superhuman energy and immunity to the virus in his stubborn refusal to wear a mask) and come out of it in one piece.

This isn't the first time this issue has confronted Democrats, who had a similar situation in the last election cycle with a frail, obese Hillary Clinton, who would faint, fall down, lose her shoes, require two strong men to hoist her on stairs, spend inordinate time in the bathroom, even during live televised presidential debates, and once had to be tossed like a sack of potatoes into a waiting presidential candidate van (this was also at a wreath-laying ceremony) in a bid to conceal her health problems, which to this day she insists don't exist. Her bad health, though, was the likely reason she didn't go to Wisconsin, and generally came off as a lazy candidate taking voters for granted. Failing health in a candidate can often have consequences.

Both Biden and Clinton in fact did have brain-related health issues. Clinton was hospitalized for her headache and propensity to fall issues in New York around the time she ended her tour as President Obama's Secretary of State. Biden has had two aneurysms, one of which was more severe than the other. That alone might explain why he's "not a young" 77.

It certainly has potential for the Democrats getting rid of him as their candidate for other reasons, which for them, would be a blessing. But for now, it's a burden to them, the public constantly speculating on Joe's health situation, with fresh memories of Hillary's health situation still running through their minds.

If this is the best Joe can do after two months of walking and biking, the only sure thing now is that Biden will have more health problems. These things have a way of going downhill.

Image credit: This might help explain why Trump doesn’t like to wear a mask in public. Biden today.

— Brit Hume (@brithume) May 25, 2020 ">Twitter screen shot




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