'Social distancing' is a meaningless throwaway phrase

No matter how many studies or how many experts repeat that social distancing is almost assuredly not doing anything to inhibit the spread of the coronabeast (or convertavirus, as it's being used to convert America into something it isn't), it's a must-use phrase for every politician to include in any plan for freeing America.  (You can call it "reopen" all you want; it's freeing an encaged nation.)  Why?  Because if you don't restrict America while freeing it from this nightmare, you are uncaring...a money-grubber...one who will trade lives for dollars, and we can't have that.

Like wearing masks or rubber gloves all over the place, or getting half-naked to fly on an airplane, it does nothing but give us something we can do.  It is the salve that soothes the savage breast.  It isn't even a placebo.  Placebos actually help some people get or feel better.  This is crowd control.  It is like using the phrase "I'm sure he's a perfectly wonderful guy" before trashing him savagely.

The facts are as plain as the nose on your face: all viruses of this or similar nature cannot be stopped.  They will run through the population of the world, and not one life will be saved through anything but treating the sick when they get sick.  Slowing the numbers down until we knew we wouldn't overwhelm the system made sense, maybe.  Now we know we won't, especially with the advent of warm, sunny weather even in the northern-tier states.

It's time to stop the verbal nonsense as well as the entombment of America.  Work isn't about money.  Psychologically, it's about taking control of your own life, doing what you can to nurture your family, being productive and useful, pursuing your dreams, and protecting your investment in a future career path.  It's about all the things our ancestors left their homes in Europe and Asia to find, and those things our American founders fought for...and it has nothing to do with money.

Today, I shall mow the yard, with social distancing, of course.

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