They've earned someone like Kayleigh

In the age of instant news, do we even need a daily White House press briefing?

The latest from the talking heads club is that some, from Chris Wallace to Jonah Goldberg, find Kayleigh McEnany a little "Indefensible and Grotesque."

I've seen a couple of Kaleigh's performances, and it's hard to think of her as "grotesque."  She is self-assured, but grotesque?

After all, this is a group of reporters who ask questions like comparing the pandemic death totals to Vietnam casualties, or another blamed the president because someone listened to him in February and died of the virus.  And then there is the CBS lady who took off her mask to play the "Chinese card."

It's obvious to me that many in this press corps are political activists, such as Jim Acosta of CNN.  They are confrontational to make news rather than to obtain information for readers and viewers.  They are like the umpire who makes controversial calls just to lead the sports report.

Do you understand now why President Trump is just giving them a taste of their own medicine?  He's tired of political activists with press passes.

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