Watergate lawyers against Flynn are partisan political retreads

A group of retreads from among anti-Nixon Watergate lawyers have surfaced to demand that Judge Emmett Sullivan disregard the Justice Department's decision to free General Flynn from prosecution.  Normally, those who grouse constantly about social justice would see the prosecution of Flynn by an unruly FBI and Department of Justice out to frame him as something unjust.

Indeed, the pursuit of Flynn was a shameful episode in our history, and his exoneration is a heroic symbol of truth and justice overcoming the corruption and wayward power of men exploiting our institutions for their political ambitions.  Attorney General Barr's decision to exonerate General Flynn is a noteworthy example of truth overcoming power.

Instead, attorneys Richard Ben-Veniste, Nick Ackerman, Richard Davis, Carl Feldbaum, George Frampton, Kenneth Geller, Gerald Goldman, Paul Michael, Frank Tuerkheimer, and others continue to do today what has been their mission for almost fifty years: bringing down, in the name of the law, Republicans and conservatives.

As with many in their fraternity, "rule of law" is that which can be used against those with whom they politically disagree.  Law is but another weapon in their political arsenal against conservatism and against those who fight for longstanding American principles that liberals and leftists wish to crush.  Trotting out these political operatives of the left-wing Deep State neither clarifies nor elucidates; rather, it obfuscates.  All men of integrity who cherish justice know that General Flynn was set up in a way that stains our concept of justice.

Until recently, General Flynn would have been the hero, and, in contrast, the FBI, the CIA, the DOJ, and President Obama and all his henchmen would have been the bad guys in a gripping movie showing how the powerful and top G men were ultimately toppled.  It would have been a drama hailing the American ideal of the target of Comey and Brennan finally having his day in court, the audience cheering as the smug political gangsters are handcuffed and hauled off to jail.  But not today, in the era where Hollywood, academia, the Democrat Party, and  culture of smug self-righteousness have become the new standard of who and what constitutes the "law."  The new pop culture law is this: if  it advances the Obamas, the Clintons, the Democrats, Joy Behar, and chic socialism of the ruling class, it is good and therefore the law.  No longer is  law based on objectivity and immutable principles; it is based on subjectivity and what benefits the would-be leftist overlords. 

Those in power, be they presidents or lawyers, who use our institutions and laws to afflict the innocent are villains in the chapters of our American story.  They are not profiles in courage, but soldiers of corruption to be resisted.  They are not legal eagles, but vultures of partisanship.

Attorney General Barr is to be commended for his courage and principled outlook, and he should go down as one of the great men who saved our Republic from Deep State players who began believing that the rule of law is whatever expedites their agenda, stature, and ongoing power.

Rabbi Aryeh Spero is president of Caucus for America, author of Push Back, and a frequent guest on Fox News and Newsmax.

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