While Dems still promote lockdown paranoia, reality begs to differ

 “Lockdown porn” is the Democrats’ frantic, pulsating desire to keep Americans locked down indefinitely to “save just one life.” The reality is that the Wuhan virus is less deadly than first thought and that the lockdown is the real killer. There’s a lot of data behind this post, so I’ll keep it brief while urging you to follow the links.

Remember that Americans agreed to a short lockdown to “flatten the curve” – that is, to give our healthcare system some lead-time to cope with a predicated onslaught. Now, however, people trapped in Democrat-run states are told either that this abnormal America will continue either until the virus is eradicated or there’s a vaccine. The unspoken deadline is probably the election, for Democrats hope a bad economy will make Trump lose or at least get a Democrat-majority Congress.

To this end, Democrats keep moving the goal by telling Americans that, unless the lockdown continues, mass death is inevitable. Governor Gavin Newsom warned Californians, “We’re not going back to normal” until either total immunity or vaccination. In Michigan, the Attorney General used the state police to shut down a 77-year-old barber.

The leftist media is also on the job. The Atlantic assures its credulous readers that nothing can reopen until every American has been tested and tracked:

To allow the recovery to begin, the United States must implement the kind of strategy that other countries have used to defeat the coronavirus. It must test widely to find infected people; trace their contacts, who might themselves have been infected; and isolate that potentially infectious group from the rest of the susceptible population. Setting up this kind of infrastructure was one of the initial goals of the social-distancing measures that states and cities started in March.

The Washington Post, in a headline, warns its readers that any efforts Trump makes to save the economy will kill Americans: “As deaths mount, Trump tries to convince Americans it’s safe to inch back to normal.”

That’s how the left sees things, as an amalgam of base emotion and a lust for political power.

In Reality World, things are different. There, we learn that the Wuhan Virus isn’t that bad unless you’re unfortunate enough to be in a nursing home or a state with a power-mad Democrat governor imposing draconian lockdowns.

What’s going on in nursing homes is a tragedy:

Of the 39 states (and Washington D.C.) that are reporting nursing home deaths, 19 states attribute more than half of their coronavirus deaths to the nursing home population.


How much of our population is made up of nursing home residents? “There are about 1.4 to 1.5 million people living in nursing homes,” according to Dr. Tanya Gure, section chief of geriatrics and associate professor in internal medicine at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. If we go with the high estimate, that means that nursing home residents account for .46 percent of the population of the United States, yet nursing home residents account for approximately 43.4 percent of coronavirus deaths (or 51.6 percent if you double New York’s count to compensate for the exclusion of nursing home resident hospital deaths, per Kerpen’s suggestion). That’s a staggering statistic.

This didn’t have to happen. Instead of locking down healthy people, we should have redoubled our efforts to protect the vulnerable.

Here’s another statistic: 60% of Wuhan Virus deaths occurred in New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, all Democrat-run states with huge lockdowns instead of targeted approaches. You’re pretty safe elsewhere.

Arizona’s anti-body testing is following the same pattern that’s found in other regions: More people have had the virus than we first realized, making the mortality rate at most 0.2%, and possibly lower. Trump was right.

A model says that masks, not lockdowns will slow the disease:

If you do get extremely sick, though, the medical world is always coming up with better treatments.

Finally, despite the media’s sick, desperate hope that Georgia Governor Kemp’s opening his state would result in mass deaths, the opposite is true:

While the Wuhan Virus isn’t deadly, the lockdown is:

An Oakland study says social isolation is expected to cause 75,000 more “deaths of despair” over the next decade, with employment serving as the best antidote.

An Australian study claims lockdowns will cause more suicide deaths, especially among the young, than they will save lives from the Wuhan Virus.

Lockdowns will cause an extra 1.4 million tuberculosis deaths in the next five years because people are not getting tested or treated.

We can expect epidemic childhood diseases to surge as people delay vaccinations and health checks for their children.

It’s not the disease that’s killing us; it’s the prevention, and this prevention needs to stop immediately.

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