Bill de Blasio ups the anti-Semitism quotient

One of the constants of communism is anti-Semitism.  It's baked into the Marxist pie, starting with Karl Marx himself, whose anti-Semitic writings are indistinguishable from Hitler's.  Given New York Mayor Bill de Blasio's communist credentials, his escalating hostility to the politically conservative, religiously orthodox Jews in his city should not come as a surprise.

As background, Karl Marx came from a Jewish family.  Shortly before he was born, though, his father converted to the state Evangelical Church of Prussia for purely pragmatic reasons.  A child of the Enlightenment with little patience for religion, Herr Marx Sr. could not advance in Prussia as a Jew. 

Young Karl Marx came to loathe his Jewish heritage.  It was he who converted traditional European anti-Semitism, which was centered entirely on the Jewish rejection of Christ, into socialist anti-Semitism, which ties Jews to financial capital.  (Marx did this even though the vast majority of Europe's Jews lived in abysmal poverty, with only a small number, many of whom had been able to take advantage of Prussia's brief window of Enlightenment, achieving any wealth.)

If you're interested in Marx's "unambiguous" anti-Semitism, the best article is Michael Ezra's "Karl Marx's Radical Antisemitism."  It discusses Marx's essay "On the Jewish Question," which sounds remarkably close to something Hitler or Stalin (or Al Sharpton or Louis Farrakhan) could have written:

What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money. ... Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man — and turns them into commodities…. The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange…. The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general.

This kind of garbage could have been written by only a man whose family had turned its back on its Jewish roots so he knew nothing about the fundamental humanist values and the overriding emphasis on justice that animate Judaism.  But that's a subject for another post.

The point is that modern anti-Semitism is predicated on the foul and erroneous belief that Jews and capitalism are the same.  As both Hitler and Stalin realized and put into effect, if you want to destroy the free market and individual liberty in favor of state ownership and collectivism, you must first destroy the Jews.

In 2014, Judicial Watch uncovered de Blasio's hardcore communist affiliations:

De Blasio was an active supporter of the communist Sandinista regime in Nicaragua in the 1980s. He was so enamored with Soviet-backed revolutionaries that he traveled to the capital city of the war-torn country, Managua, to aid their cause by participating in a relief mission. Upon de Blasio's return to the United States, he joined the Nicaragua Solidarity Network of Greater New York (NSN).


The records show de Blasio was an ardent supporter of the communist revolutionaries in Nicaragua, who raised funds for the Sandinistas and was a subscriber to the party's newspaper, "Barricada" (The Barricade). He traveled to Nicaragua in 1988 and became active in the NSN upon his return to the U.S. New York's mayor has been unapologetic about his involvement with a foreign Marxist political movement accused of slaughtering innocent civilians and practicing the "disappearance" technique of eliminating political foes.

With that record, it's unsurprising that de Blasio has used the Wuhan virus to attack New York's orthodox Jews.  Even as he's welcomed and encouraged the thousands of people who showed up for Black Lives Matter marches and riots, he's threatened to round up Jews for having funerals; warned them that they'll be arrested for prayers; and, most recently, shut down a Brooklyn park in which Jewish children play.

That last was too much for the Jewish community, which had tried to be conciliatory with Herr de Blasio.  They hadn't missed that, on the same day he shut down the park, he'd done nothing about a Black Trans Life protest in Brooklyn that attracted thousands of people.  The Jews, therefore, took bolt-cutters to the park.

De Blasio was outraged.  "We're not going to allow people to take the law into their own hands," he said, after having stood to the side and applauded as rioters ignored lockdown and social distancing orders, as well as a whole body of criminal laws against property destruction, robbery, theft, assault, and attacks on police.



Twitter users offered some stinging, and eminently appropriate, responses:

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