Black people stand to defend the Lincoln Emanicipation statue

As the press falls into a saturation frenzy over toppling the Lincoln Emancipation statue on supposed racism grounds, there's one pretty important group of voices that aren't getting any attention or airtime: those of actual black people who built, guarded, and defended the memorial, and whose ancestors were actually depicted in the artwork.

They came out and defended the statue. Here's a man who says his ancestor, Archer Alexander, was the figure on his knees depicted in the sculpture.



He's reasonable, police, and gives way too much patience to the raging leftist clowns surrounding him, most of whom are white.

He's a stakeholder in this, given that it's his ancestor being depicted on the statue. And given that it was liberated slaves who paid for the statue, it's fair to say that the depiction as it was created, even with its Victorian conventions, was the story they wanted told.

Now we have the ancestors of the people who created the sculpture speaking out on behalf of the people lost to history who can't speak. 

Which suggests a rather robust culture in the Black community - the early Republicans, (Martin Luther King, Jr. was also one), the people who actually experienced slavery, something the yelling whites and even some black people descended from later immigrants (such as Kamala Harris, daughter of a Jamaican immigrant whose family held slaves) wouldn't know a thing about.

Can they get some attention? It would be nice, because as Andrea Widburg notes here, the entire Black Lives Matter movement is rapidly turning into a a white-dominated virtue-signaling operation, what with the attendence numbers showing that only one out of six attendees at protests is black, and the abusive treatment these white-dominant leftists have heaped upon distinguished African Americans such as Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, a man elected to his office by people of all races.

That they stood up is an unusually strong rebuke to the white virtue-signallers and their media allies who have hijacked the movement and now seek to erase history. They want their version and only their version to remain, and thank goodness the black keepers of the flame seen here aren't about to let them.


Image credit: Public domain photo, via Wikimedia Commons




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