Democrats and police unions

"Defunding" the police is a stupid idea.  Check out the streets of Chicago and see what happens when local governments do not protect their citizens or businesses.

The Democrats face another problem, and it's money, money, and money.

This is from FOX:

The support, which runs to Republicans as well, underscores the tricky position lawmakers are in amid calls to overhaul, cut budgets for or dismantle police departments.

Numbers published by Open Secrets, which is run by the watchdog Center for Responsive Politics, shows that among current members of the House of Representatives and U.S. Senate, a handful of Democrats have received more campaign donations from police groups since 1994 than any other current members by a significant margin.

The top two recipients of contributions from police groups in the Senate are Sens. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., and Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn. The top two in the House are Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr., D-N.J., and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md.

Another strike against potential V.P. Klobuchar?

The police unions represent thousands of Americans who wear the uniform and protect us from bad people.  I hope these unions endorse the candidates in November who understand the role of a police force in a civilized society.

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