Dr. Amy Acton, architect of Ohio's shutdown, resigns

The above-the-fold headline in all the Ohio's newspapers on June 13 was that the state's public health director, Dr. Amy Acton, has resigned.  The sad-faced Dr. Acton said the routine of the past couple of months, which involved getting up at 4:00 A.M. to read and catch up while going to bed late, "wasn't a sustainable thing."  Also cited from Democrats was the unrelenting criticism from many of Ohio's Republican legislators, who said the Acton-prompted shutdown was excessive.

Tom Zawistowski, (tomz@wethepeopleconvention.org) head of the Portage County Tea Party, put out a revealing news release reflecting on Dr. Acton's resignation. It said in part:

This came a week after Operation Rescue called for her resignation after publishing an exposé https://www.operationrescue.org/archives/ohio-health-directors-mother-comes-forward-to-set-the-record-straight-about-daughters-troubled-past/ that included information on her Ohio medical license application that indicated she had been treated for mental illness and/or addiction issues at some point in the past. That exposé also included audio clips from Operation Rescue's interview with Donna Arthur, Acton's estranged mother.

Arthur claimed that her daughter falsely accused her second husband of raping her when she was 12 years old. Acton had publicly claimed that both Arthur and her husband were criminally charged with abusing her, but "skipped town" before they could be prosecuted.

However, Operation Rescue verified that Arthur had never been charged and that her step father had charges dismissed. Acton then went to live with her father after he had made the allegations and never saw her mother again.

Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue, continued: "We are just glad she decided to step down.  There was reason for us to believe that she would serve as an advocate for the abortion clinics, which were allowed to stay open at a time when Acton's coronavirus orders were closing legitimate businesses and creating hardships on the people of Ohio." 

One might conclude that exposure of Acton's past might have some bearing on her resignation.  Prior to her appointment as director of Ohio's Health Department, Acton was a pro-abortion activist and Obama-supporter.  Why she was appointed by the supposed pro-life governor, Republican Mike DeWine, has never been explained.  And DeWine hasn't learned a thing.  He is reported to have begged Acton not to quit.  When Acton remained resolute, he immediately appointed her as his public health adviser, no doubt with full pay.

Acton has her cheerleaders throughout the press. The Akron Beacon Journal, for example, posted a poll it conducted on Dr. Acton's decisions during the Wuhan epidemic.  The question was, "Did Amy Acton do a good job?" There were just two choices from which the respondents could pick.  Choice Number 1: "Yes, she did a good job during the coronavirus pandemic."  Choice Number 2: "No, she was overly cautious during the coronavirus pandemic."  Talk about fake news.  My choice and that of many others wasn't even listed, which is that Acton overreacted regarding the coronavirus pandemic.  This is a blatant effort to manipulate public opinion.  It's not surprising coming from the Trump-hating ABJ.  But still, one has to shake his head at how juvenile and shallow this attempt is.

How do people like this Amy Acton worm their way into unelected positions of power, where they can use the leverage of their position to affect the lives of so many people?  If you add up the dollars lost and lives destroyed, it is quite possible that Dr. Amy Acton has caused more damage to society than what the Antifa and BLM disruptions in some 140 cities across the country have caused.

The ultimate responsibility for Acton's behavior belongs to Mike DeWine.  He appointed her and then followed Acton's advice like a lamb being led by a shepherd.

Image: WKYC Channel 3 via YouTube.

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