Karen Bass may be bad news for Joe Biden

Over the years, Fidel Castro always had two loyal friends in the U.S.  First, the editorial page of the New York Times.  Second, Karen Bass, congresswoman from California.

Representative Bass is in the news today because she may be the "black woman" running mate Joe Biden has been looking for.  At the same time, she has a "Cuban problem," as reported in Politico:

Democrats worry the presence of Bass on the ticket would needlessly help Republicans in a state where the GOP has historically eked out come-from-behind wins. Florida Democrats also favor a home-state congressional candidate as Biden's running mate, with Val Demings also under consideration. Demings, a Florida congresswoman who is African-American, is a member of the Congressional Black Caucus while Bass chairs the group.

Two of their congressional colleagues from Miami, Reps. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell and Donna Shalala, are facing reelection challenges from Cuban-American Republicans who have made socialism a top issue. Both support Demings as a running mate for Biden but say that Bass' comments in their own right are problematic, and both had also condemned Sanders remarks about Castro in the primary.

"I disagree with the Congresswoman's comments on Cuba. I invite people to come to Miami where we can educate them on the tyrannical dictatorship that has decimated Cuba for 60 years," Shalala said, adding "my focus is on helping her and Joe Biden win Florida, the White House, and save our country."

Representative Bass reacted by saying her comments were identical to those of President Obama back when he was seeking better relations.  I have not read everything that former president Obama said about Fidel Castro, but "mi comandante" does not sound familiar.  Even President Obama understood the stupidity of making such an endearing statement about a dictator.

Will it be Biden-Bass?  I don't think so, because the vice presidential choice is critical for a man who will be 79 a few days after election day.  Adding someone to the ticket who will hurt you in Florida is not smart politics.

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