The left really does want America to burn

Only a fool, or a puppet, is blind to the realities of left-wing rage, hatred, and violence.  The media tell us that rioters — "protesters" — are peaceful while business are looted, property vandalized, and statues desecrated.  The destruction of America, the historic America, is precisely what the left wishes to accomplish.  Only a burning and fiery purgation will suffice to wash away the past crimes of the nation and white Americans in particular.

Having been a graduate student at Yale, I saw firsthand the next managerial class and their acidic ideology from their own mouths.  After the 2016 election, they cried but also furiously condemned Trump as a "fascist" and said anyone who supported him was a "fascist" or "racist."  While it is true that logical argumentation and philosophical rigidity are not the forte of the left, people who pillory the leftists for emotional tantrums and shouting down opposite views miss the point.  Rage fills the empty souls of leftists, and no amount of logic will change that fact.

What leftists want is not truth, facts, or logic, but the complete incineration of the people they despise and the institutions they claim propagate oppression and exploitation.  This is not a new phenomenon that arose in the 1960s or the 1980s, as conventional wisdom often says.  It goes far beyond that.

Leo Marx, a well-respected cultural and literary scholar, wrote of his time in university during the 1930s as being dominated by "partisans of the Left."  As he writes, "[m]any of our teachers were partisans of the Left during those years.  At my first meeting with Daniel Boorstin, my sophomore-year tutor, he felt obliged to warn me that he was a member of the Communist Party.  Both F.O. Matthiessen and Paul Sweezy, with whom I would have lasting friendships, were outspoken socialists."  Americans who attend universities, whether at the community college level or at elite institutions, are indoctrinated — subtly or explicitly — into the leftist ideology.  These students then take up their positions in society: the media, businesses, literary presses, politics, charitable organizations, NGOs, etc.  They all subscribe to the same ideology.

We shouldn't be surprised, then, that many of our current elites — Democrats especially, but also some Republicans — are not only sympathetic to the rioters, but also explicit supporters of the burning and looting of America.  In their eyes, this is payback for the burning and looting of the American Indians and Africans and all other "people of color" who have suffered countless injustices since the time of the fateful voyage of Christopher Columbus.  Many Democrats who rule America's cities do not want to confront the rioters because confronting the rioters would appear to be a confrontation with the protesters whom they are entirely in league with.

The other pressing matter that Americans need to know about the iconoclastic and nihilistic left is that it is utopian at its core.  The problem with utopianism is that it necessarily comes to terms with bloodshed and violence.  Teleocracy, the belief in a politics militantly guided to a goal, necessarily justifies itself in the name of the goal.  The end always justifies the means.

America was founded under the auspices of not teleocratic government, but nomocratic governance.  Nomocracy is the rule of law.  So long as any trace of the rule of law remains, the desires of totalitarian teleocracy are buttressed against.  The Constitution and the Bill of Rights exist as a nomocratic synthesis and not a teleocratic blueprint, as even many Republicans and so-called conservatives now claim.  Because the Constitution and Bill Rights serve as the last barrier against unrestrained totalitarianism, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights must die in order for militant teleocracy to consummate itself with the force needed to bring its perfect state into existence.

At university, students are repeatedly hammered with the problems of society: racism, sexism, and capitalism, and how they are all interlinked. Capitalism was racist in its formation out of sexism (according to Marx) and racism (according to the modern leftists).  Sexism reinforces white male domination, which, in turn, reinforces capitalist oppression and racist systems because of their origin in white male ownership and stewardship.  You get the argument.  Now repeat ad nauseam.

Students are also taught how to "change the system."  Following Antonio Gramsci's playbook, students are actively encouraged to infiltrate as many of the bad institutions as possible and destroy them from within.  This is how our once venerable institutions like Harvard and Yale, founded by godly Christian men, have become the repositories of anti-Christian, anti-American, and anti-capitalist Jacobinism.  This is how almost all corporations have become social justice cheerleaders with CEOs and board members resigning and calling for higher taxes.  This is how city councils and state legislatures are populated with people who vote to defund and disband the police and destroy our historical consciousness by defacing old heroes and replacing them with international socialists, revolutionaries, and genocidal dictators who fought "the good fight."

As the left grows and grows in strength, leftists will continue to wield greater and greater power until the institutions and people they blame for all historical wrongs are wiped away in a fiery purgation that will not lead to paradise, but create a hell on Earth worse than the dictatorships of the 20th century.  This is just the beginning.  And the left openly says what its ambitions are.  "Hey, hey, ho, ho, Western civ has got to go!"

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