Will we ever have a eulogy for racism?

I don't know of anyone, black, white, or anywhere in between, who isn't both shocked and saddened by what happened to George Floyd.  But as sick as that tragedy was, sicker still is how this extremely rare horror was usednot used to discover and administer justice, but exploited to tear the country apart along lines of race.

And yes, indeed, we certainly witnessed the racists parade out of the woodwork in full force to puff themselves up and spread their poisonous plumage.

On display at the funeral of George Floyd on Thursday, Al Sharpton, giving the eulogy, remarked that blacks have been prevented from fulfilling their dreams because they've now had the knee of whites on their throats for 401 years.

For those of you who are in the dark about that 401 number, Mr. Sharpton was alluding to the false narrative presented in the 1619 Project.

The New York Times' 1619 Project is a rewriting of history based on the year slaves were first brought to the shores of America.  This revisionism seems to be answering the remarks foreshadowed by, of all people, Michelle Obama.

During the 2008 presidential election, while her husband was touting "fundamental transformation," Michelle was saying, "We are going to have to change our conversation.  We're going to have to change our traditions, our history; we're going to have to move into a different place as a nation."

The 1619 Project, which recently won a Pulitzer Prize for The New York Times, is just one example of this change to "our history."  Its Pulitzer is facilitating the Project's institution in public education.  Don't be surprised to see lesson plans aimed at teaching this historic heresy, coming to your kid's school the moment COVID-19 allows the school doors to be kicked back open.

So should anyone be surprised that student-of-history Al Sharpton would weave this juicy 1619 lie into his flowery eulogy?

I have a suggestion for Al.  If he is truly looking to see racial reconciliation in this country, he needs to be a leader.  He himself needs to take a knee and publicly repent of his decades of being a racist.

Hey, it's a start.

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