A tale of two investigations

America is at present deeply divided, a situation that’s simply unsustainable long term. To understand this, one need look no further than our justice system and two ongoing investigations that illustrate the wide divide between Right and Left.

On one hand, we have General Michael Flynn, a decorated war veteran and briefly President Trump’s national security adviser. Anyone who follows politics is aware that the Obama administration ran an elaborate scam to try to ruin Flynn. Not content with mere financial and reputational ruin, the Obama cabal’s ultimate goal was to put Flynn behind bars, a quest that continues to this day thanks to rogue federal judge Emmet Sullivan.

This case has everything a best-selling suspense novel could want, the highly unusual unmasking of American citizens, a conspiracy between corrupt actors in the FBI, CIA and DOJ, a federal judge trying to simultaneously be judge, jury and executioner, and a rare successful request for writ of mandamus. That would be the title of our fictional pot-boiler, The Writ of Mandamus!

Despite recently “discovered” evidence that Mike Flynn was set up by a DoJ that’s rightfully withdrawn the original charges, the case is now scheduled for an en banc hearing in the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, a process that promises to drag on past the next election. Should the walking non-sequitur Joe Biden somehow get elected in November, his attorney general and DoJ will surely reinstate charges against Flynn and continue the shameless persecution of an American hero.

On the other hand, we have the enigmatic John Durham, the federal prosecutor from Connecticut with the fashionable suits and bartender goatee. Durham’s the Great Right Hope, entrusted by Attorney General William Barr with investigating the baseless Russia Collusion investigation into President Trump and the predication-free spying that went on both before and after Trump’s election.

Americans of integrity are surely appalled to learn that the 2016 election was interfered with, not from without but from within. The wide-ranging Democrat plot against Donald Trump makes Watergate look like the Houston Astros stealing signs. A condensed roster of conspirators includes various Obamaites, the Deep State, the mainstream media, the DNC, and of course, Hillary Clinton. There simply aren’t enough jail cells for all the people who tried to undermine first a Republican presidential candidate and then a duly elected president.

A.G. Barr has promised that justice will be served, that Durham is going to name names and potentially return indictments. But, as the days dwindle down till Election Day, what has John Durham accomplished?

Zip. Nada. Nihil. Nothing.

Not a word has been heard from Durham as more than a few alleged co-conspirators enjoy gigs with CNN or write op-eds in the Washington Post. If nothing happens soon, Durham’s sure-to-be shocking revelations will be put off until after the election. And should Dems and their media lapdogs somehow drag a senescent Joe Biden across the presidential finish line, “Who is John Durham?” will become an answer on Jeopardy. The clue will be “In Jan., 2020, he was abruptly reassigned by President Biden to investigate salmon poaching in the Yukon.”

Barring a last-minute miracle, the next election will determine whether or not the crucifixion of General Flynn continues, and whether or not the vile leftists who conspired against President Trump skate.

Vote accordingly.

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