Americans have a clear choice in November: Patriotism or peril

A friend sent me a powerful video featuring military personnel from all over the country singing "God Bless the USA."  While I have felt a tremendous sense of patriotism over the past several years in particular — given the Obama administration's, Democrats', mainstream media's, social media's, and academia's combined efforts at implementing a coup against a duly elected President of the United States — I watched the video with overwhelming emotions recognizing we patriots may be losing the battle.

Beginning with the Russia hoax through the ongoing Black Lives Matter hoax (Democrats couldn't care less about black lives, beginning with their support of slavery, founding of the KKK, and century of failed policies designed to maintain their power, not help out Americans in need), Democrats have made it abundantly clear to Americans what their choice is in November.

Do we want to elect representatives, senators, and a president who love America, support the military, National Guard, policemen, and other law enforcement officials who risk their lives daily so that we can be safe and free?  Or do we want to elect folks who despise our country (as far back as Obama's Reverend Jeremiah Wright wishing for God to damn America) and wish to transform it, those who support criminals, be they illegal aliens, anarchists freely looting our businesses and destroying public and private property including tearing down history, socialists who resent free enterprise and entrepreneurialism, and fascists who disrespect our flag and our national anthem — all while elevating those same criminals to heroic stature?

Do we wish to recognize our military personnel as the heroes they are, including the four Americans killed in Benghazi while the Democrat administration stood by ignoring their calls for help?  Or do we wish to elevate a criminal and drug addict who died in the act of breaking the law and resisting arrest to heroic stature replete with a national funeral attended by Democrat dignitaries, including their presidential candidate?

Do we wish to advance Western civilization by recognizing that while America's history may not have been perfect (who and what has ever been?), we have proven to be the greatest civilization of all mankind, and we deserve to continue to perfect ourselves while retaining our freedoms and the Constitution that got us to this point in history?  Or do we wish to toss ourselves into the dustbin of history while joining fellow great civilizations from the Roman Empire to countries across Europe that are weak, losing their identities, and reliant on America for their sustainability?

Mark Steyn wrote two compelling books that are worthy of everyone to read — America Alone and After America.  He was not aware that our country might collapse by the weight of the Black Lives Matter movement that has elevated hoodlums, criminals, and anarchists to high stature, but he foresaw that when America goes, so too does the rest of Western civilization and all that is good in the world.

When we have corporate America pumping billions of dollars into an anti-American, anti-Semitic, anti-white organization simply because of peer pressure and fear of a loss of income, we have a problem.  When we have every major institution of higher learning sending out statements about how much more money and resources they will pump into diversity and training programs (i.e., brainwashing initiatives) because of "systemic racism" that anyone with a brain understands no longer exists, we have a major problem, given the numbers of young minds that are being destroyed year after year.  When we see the NFL replace the National Anthem with something known as the "black national anthem" while a man who refuses to stand for the National Anthem (while wearing socks depicting police officers as pigs) is elevated to heroic stature by that League, Nike, and all of the other "woke" virtue-signalers who couldn't care less about loving their country or respecting its history and those who have given life and limb so that they can proceed unabated to destroy it, we have to wonder how we survive this?

Our country was founded by brilliant heroes who named us the United States of America.  The Preamble to the Constitution reads:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States.

They did not call our country perfect, but they sought to form a united nation for the benefit of all of its citizens — not a select few at any given time.  Our National Anthem is the anthem of every American and when we attend a sporting event, college graduation, or any other time that warrants standing for the flag, patriotic Americans remove their hats, put their hands over their hearts, and sing with pride.  Those who seek power on the basis of identity politics and whose hearts do not fill upon hearing the music and words of songs written centuries ago by men proud of the Stars and Stripes, now seek to lead us into decline and if we let them, we do so knowingly.

We have a choice America – elect the folks who are just fine tearing down statues of our founders, of Francis Scott Key, and of presidents who have advanced the freedoms for all of us as a united country. Elect the folks who support mob rule rather than law and order, erasing history rather than teaching it in order to learn and continue to perfect ourselves and our nation, and destroying our country in the name of Black Lives Matter rather than recognizing that all of our lives matter.

Or support those who proudly love this country, serve in the military so that we can be free to voice – peaceably - our opinions, protect our streets, businesses, schools, towns and cities and who stand to sing The Star-Spangled Banner, wave the American flag, and fight for a land of the free and home of the brave.

Photo credit: YouTube screen grab.

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