COVID hysteria yields new travel restrictions in Massachusetts

The Democrat lords (liberal mayors, governors, and RINOs) have outdone themselves this time.  The latest travesty in a long list of draconian orders is the current travel restrictions on Americans.  I work in health care and heard about the new restrictions a week or two ago, but then we were immediately told they did not include health care workers because they are "essential"...the holy grail these days.  However, just this week, at least in Massachusetts, they are reversing even that exemption.

Here is the new order as I understand it:  We are not allowed to travel outside New England unless, upon our return, we do one of two things:

1)  self quarantine for 10–14 days, including no work, at our own expense, or

2)  quarantine for five days after testing negative for COVID, again at our own expense (up to $500 for a COVID test).

Lastly, if we are found in violation of any of this, we will be fined an amount deemed appropriate, but most likely at least $500.  (I must issue a qualifier here: I did not actually watch my governor, Charlie Baker, a very sad excuse for a Republican, make this announcement.  I only saw snippets of it, as watching his press conferences makes me want to stick a hot poker in my eye.)

Call me simple, but that sounds to me like extortion.  Plus the damage will cause a ripple effect across the economy.  First, people will rush to cancel all of their newly made vacation plans that were finally being opened up to them.  So the already hurting airline and hospitality industries will take another huge hit.

Second, people will lose income while out on quarantine and have to use their own vacation or sick time, which most probably are not in a position to do.  Plus they would probably risk the ire of not only their employers, but also their fellow workers who would have to pick up the slack in their absence.

Last are the exorbitant fees that would be assessed.  Five hundred dollars to pay for your own COVID test so you don't have to stay out of work the whole two weeks, and potentially five hundred dollars if it is deemed that you violated quarantine, in case you had to, God forbid, run to the store for something as trivial as bread or milk!

Remind me, please...what country am I in?  If you haven't been paying attention up to this point...the time is definitely here to plan to take our freedoms back.  Do not vote Democrat in November!

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