COVID ratting on your neighbors made EZ

Too few of us realize we are frogs in water that is slowly being brought to a boil.  Ergo, here is my "Top 10" list of cities, counties, and states that have hotlines for citizens to rat on neighbors and business deemed to be violating COVID-related edicts from unaccountable bureaucrats.  Note, there are many worthy candidates that continue to raise their game, along with a pipeline of emerging entrants, so this list will be continuously updated and likely expanded. 

1. Santa Ana, California took inaugural honors in March with this "service" to the community:  "Who to Call: COVID-19 Hotlines, Report Open Businesses and Fraud, Reach City Services"

2. Los Angeles was the first megacity, back in May, with this headline: 'What Could Go Wrong?': LA County Launches Hotline To Report Businesses Violating Stay-At-Home Orders'

3. Cleveland's Cuyahoga County joined the fun this week.  The "Mistake on the Lake" keeps making mistakes: "Cuyahoga County starts hotline to report people not wearing masks"

4. Not to be outdone, the state of Kentucky was especially caring back in March, creating this form for its constituents — to anonymously rat on fellow citizens:  

Please provide the following information about the large gatherings and establishments you believe are not complying with the Commonwealth's closure directives, work-from-home instructions, social distancing procedures, or other guidance relating to COVID-19.

5. Kudos to the Land of Enchantment.  Sparsely populated New Mexico was early to the party in March:  

How To Report Non-Compliance Within A Business, A Violation Of The Mass Gatherings Ban, Or Other Violations Of The Public Order

6. Then there is the county that introduced us to "hanging chads" and a pathetic sheriff.  They were not about to be left out.  Woop, woop, Broward County!

7. How about that Big Apple?  Way to go Warner Wilhelm, Jr. (AKA Bill de Blasio).

8. Kansas City, home of the likely to be renamed Chiefs.  You waited until the last day of March, but better late than never!  "KCK police launch special COVID-19 hotline for reporting of non-compliant businesses"

9. New Jersey is IN THE HOUSE!  Here's their offer to "help."

10. Let's give it up to that bastion of liberalism and elitism, the Bay State!

In closing, I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge La Crosse County, Wis., for empowering its Health Department to get into the business of unaccountable law enforcement.  The "Driftless Region" is experiencing change not seen since the glaciers melted.

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