Democrat cities are reaping what they sowed

With yesterday's announcement that President Donald Trump will "surge" federal law enforcement officers to Chicago and other American cities, I believe that the president is making a tactical error.

He and we presume that the citizens of Chicago, Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, Detroit, Philadelphia, Atlanta, New York City, D.C., Newark, Baltimore, St. Louis, Oakland, et al. want "law and order."

To this end, I propose that the president issue referenda in these Democrat-run cities, asking residents if they want local and state law enforcement (mayors and governors) to continue to do what they're doing (which is nothing), or whether they want the president to send in troops to restore order.  Citizens of Portland and Chicago voted for their, ahem leaders.  While it is a shame to see the carnage being borne by local residents (predominantly non-white persons), that they keep voting for the same type of leaders (leftists) causes one to wonder if they would wish things different today, if they had a choice.

A local/regional referendum could be immediately brought to these Democrat-run cities, giving the citizens a one-time opportunity for federal policing relief. If they allow their mayors and governors to continue along the current path, then, sadly, they deserve to stew in their own excrement.

A subsequent question on the same referendum could ask if citizens would be interested in federal authorities removing said mayors and governor in exchange for federal aid, to rebuild the damage caused by the mayors, the governors, and the black-clad terrorist shock troops they permitted to run rampant through their inner-cities.  No removal of do-nothing mayors and governors, no relief.

 +While I'm sympathetic to the innocent citizens, business-owners, and police officers in these über-leftist cities, my sympathies are tempered when it's realized that they keep voting for the same leaders, expecting a different result. 

Portland, Chicago, et al. are experiencing the ramifications of their electoral choices.

The American people will be presented a referendum, of sorts, in November.  Law and order, or see your cities and states become third-world (excrement-holes), like the Democrat-run cities listed above. 

Elections have consequences. Choose wisely, my friends.  

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