Dr. Fauci's curveball

Few have been more central to America’s COVID-19 response than Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the diminutive doctor has been the face and voice of public health efforts to fight the pandemic. Many frightened folks have put their trust in the good doctor, secure in the knowledge that he’s a straight shooter.

But, Little Anthony, as he hates being called, has proven time and time again that he can’t be trusted. He throws curveballs, both literally and figuratively.

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Fauci said wearing a mask to protect against the virus was pointless, it merely made the wearer feel better. In another words, mask-wearing is a placebo, like skin creams that claim to remove wrinkles or whatever supplement Joe Biden’s taking to enhance mental acuity.

Come June, however, Fauci told Grabien News that he’d previously been fibbing about masks being unnecessary, he didn’t want widespread mask usage to cause a PPE shortage among health professionals. The public was presumably too dumb and selfish to know the truth, so Little Anthony told them a little bedtime tale instead.

Now, however, Dr. Fauci is all for wearing masks prophylactically. This despite telling Politico in May, that masks didn’t fully protect the wearer, they were more useful for protecting others from the possibly infectious wearer. Mask-wearing, Fauci lectured us back then, was actually a sign of respect for others. R-E-S-P-E-C-T, that’s what wearing a mask means to Anthony. Or at least it did in May.

In summary, Dr. Fauci wants us to know that wearing a mask against COVID-19 is next to useless as a prophylactic, is in reality a sign of respect for others, and is now somehow essential to stopping the coronavirus outbreak. Luckily for those easily confused, actions speak louder than words.

This past Thursday, Dr. Fauci took in a baseball game at Nationals Park in Washington. But, based on guidance from white-coat bureaucrats and avid Hillary donors like Fauci, aren’t fans at present prohibited from attending MLB games?

Yes, silly, fans are -- but not the elite swells who run things. Not only did Fauci display his white-coat privilege by going to the game, he even got to throw out the first pitch.

While warming up for first-pitch honors, Dr. Fauci was photographed wearing his mask below his nose. Unless Little Anthony’s a dedicated mouth-breather, he certainly was behaving disrespectfully. If fans had been present, someone surely would have catcalled, “Blow it out your nose, Tony!”

Alas, the good doctor’s warm-up was for naught. His “first pitch” was sadly just like him, awful short and leaning to the Left. A sweeping curveball from a supposed straight shooter. Fauci’s pitching prowess made first-pitching, mom-jeans Obama look like Bob Gibson.

Later in the game, Dr. Fauci was photographed sitting in the stands between a man and a woman, his mask now covering his neck.

No social distancing and no R-E-S-P-E-C-T! When questioned later, Fauci explained that he’d merely removed his mask to have a drink of water, although the photo shows him smiling and looking at his cellphone. Furthermore, his fellow patrons were just his wife and a really good friend, proving once again that we always infect the ones we love.

So, while Dr. Fauci’s advice on wearing masks in the time of COVID has been all over the place, his actions make his true beliefs crystal clear.

You can’t go out to the old ballgame, but Dr. Fauci can.

You had to be lied to in February so that Fauci’s fellow healthcare workers could be protected.

You are a disrespectful, selfish jerk if you’re seen in public not wearing a mask or social distancing, whereas NIAID Director Fauci was just having a drink of water with his peeps.

There is one bright spot in this whole sordid story. Unless you’re Barack Obama or Venus de Milo, you’re a much better pitcher than wee Tony Fauci, the doc who couldn’t shoot straight.

Image credit: NBA MLB YouTube screen shot


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