Evidence is in: Hydroxychloroquine works!

The media is doing its best to ignore the solid new evidence that hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) works. Although they claim to be pro-science, they only report scientific studies that agree with their narrative. Although they claim that black lives matter to them, they purposely keep knowledge about successful treatments away from COVID-19 patients, a disproportionate number of whom are black. Here are some details of the two new studies that almost all of them are ignoring:

  1. Henry Ford Health System. Last week, the International Journal of Infectious Diseases reported that hydroxychloroquine cuts the death rate in half when it is administered to hospitalized COVID-19 patients soon after they are admitted. The retrospective study of 2,541 patients was conducted by the Henry Ford Health System in Detroit Michigan. Only 13% of the patients who were given HCQ died as compared to 26% who were not given HCQ. HCQ worked whether or not it was given with the antibiotic azithromycin, but it appeared to work slightly better with azithromycin. Key to the study was early treatment with HCQ, with 91% in the HCQ group starting that medication within 48 hours of hospital admission.
  2. Mount Sinai Hospital. Also last week, Nature Reviews Immunology (link corrected) published the results of the small but ideal type of experiment (a double-blind, randomized clinical trial) conducted by Mount Sinai Hospital in New York which found that 0 of 31 patients in the HCQ group progressed from mild to severe as compared to 4 of 31 patients in the control group.

The media is also ignoring the May 8 study of 932 patients by the New York University Grossman School of Medicine which compared the HCQ/azithromycin treatment with the HCQ/azithromycin/zinc treatment. NYU found that the addition of zinc sulfate pills to the HCQ/azithromycin treatment reduced the death rate from 23% to 13%, but only if given before the patients got so sick that they required intensive care.

If these results are extrapolated, they show that early treatment with HCQ could prevent about 50% of the deaths from COVID-19, and the addition of zinc sulfate could further reduce the death rate by an additional 20%. For every 100 patients who are currently dying without effective pharmacological treatment, only 30 would die if they were treated early with the the HCQ/azithromycin/zinc combination.

The studies which appear show that HCQ doesn’t work should be considered as well. Two of them, based upon data provided by a small company named Surgisphere and published in reputable medical journals, were retracted by the journals when it turned out that the data were suspect. And the other studies either overdosed their patients with a toxic dosage of HCQ (200mg to 400mg per day for 5 days is normal), or they often waited until COVID-19 was severe before beginning the HCQ regime.

The media seems to be exceptionally incurious about why countries in Asia have much lower death rates than those in Europe and America. According to worldometers, only 3 people per million have died in China, 6 per million in South Korea, 8 per million in Japan and 14 per million in India. Compare that with 400 per million in the U.S.A, 537 in Sweden, 651 in U.K. and 843 in Belgium. You have to read Asian newspapers to learn how COVID-19 patients in Asia are being treated. According to India’s The National Herald:

A Shanghai-based Noida doctor says China is close to winning the battle against COVID-19, and the combination of zinc, hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and antibiotic azithromycin has been able to save the lives of coronavirus patients.

Speaking to IANS, Dr Sanjeev Choubey, Medical Director Internal Medicine at St. Michael Hospital said this combination has been adopted as a line of treatment for patients infected with coronavirus, and, as a result, patients are recovering, decreasing their need for intensive care.

Unfortunately, the health bureaucracy in Washington DC, has been actively suppressing the use of HCQ in the United States. Economist Peter Navarro, in charge of procuring sufficient COVID-19 treatment supplies for President Trump, had a great interview with America’s Voice on July 3 in which he discussed this week’s HCQ studies, the press ignoring them, and the FDA standing in the way. Here’s what he said about the FDA (at the 12:55 mark):

The next shoe that has to drop here is that the FDA really has to revisit these decisions that it made over the last several months which effectively killed hydroxy demand and also has made it very difficult to conduct the additional clinical trials we need, not just for therapeutic, but also for prophylactics.

The Washington bureaucracy and the mainstream media have blood on their hands. Both continue to kill people by ignoring the scientific studies which show that the HCQ-zinc combo, if given early, could reduce the COVID-19 death rate by about 70%. To the main-stream media, only the lives of thugs killed by the police matter. The lives of COVID-19 patients do not. So, if you get sick, buy some zinc over the counter and, like it says in all the TV ads, talk to your doctor to see if an HCQ prescription might be right for you!

Image credit: Pixnio public domain


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