Fake actor attends fake protest

A year and a half ago, fading actor Jussie Smollett claimed he was attacked by two masked white men who shouted anti-homosexual and anti-black slurs at him, while dousing him in bleach in the late hours of a freezing night in Chicago.

The city of Chicago later charged him with paying two Nigerian brothers, black, by the way, who lived in the city to stage the attack.  The charges against Smollett were later dropped, but the city is now suing him to recoup its costs in the case, which is continuing.

That was then.  This is so now.  Saturday, on a warm summer day in New York, Smollett joined a group shrieking...yep!..."black lives matter" outside...yep!  Trump Tower.

Smollett wore a blue T-shirt and jean shorts for the protest and was recognized by his distinctive equal sign tattoo on his right arm.  It's not clear what group he was protesting with. 

And you thought 2020 couldn't get more bizarre!

Image credit: Twitter screen shot.

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