It's official: House speaker Nancy Pelosi endorses anti-Jewishness

Last week, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif. crazy), the first white skin privileged woman to be chosen speaker of the House of Representatives, proved that she — and by extension the Democratic party — is OK with anti-Jewishness and other forms of bigotry.  How did she do that?  She endorsed and approved of Somali immigrant Rep Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.)'s re-election bid to Congress.

In touting endorsements from Pelosi and Minnesota House of Representatives Speaker Melissa Hortman, Omar's campaign said in a statement that the congresswoman "now has the support of the Democratic leaders of both the U.S. House of Representatives and the Minnesota legislature, representing the support of the state and national Democratic party at the highest levels."

Omar, and her Mad Squad of other Democratic congresswomen have an extensive and unsavory history of anti-American, anti-Jewish, anti-white, anti-Christian statements and actions.  Last year, Pamela Geller posted just a small portion of them, including Omar's. It has grown considerably since then, but the content hasn't changed.

Omar has a long history of anti-Israel statements that have included antisemitic themes, such as suggesting that Jews control the world. In 2012, she tweeted: "Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel." Local Jewish community leaders in Minnesota staged an intervention before she took up her seat in Congress — to no avail; she continued making offensive anti-Israel and antisemitic statements.

In February, Omar tweeted, "It's all about the Benjamins baby," suggesting (falsely) that a pro-Israel group, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), bribed members of Congress to support Israel. The implication was that Jews were using money to control Congress. Omar apologized for that tweet, but went on, a few weeks later, to claim that pro-Israel members of Congress owed "allegiance to a foreign country." The chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, a fellow Democrat, called her statement a "vile antisemitic slur," but she refused to apologize.

In an effort to tamp down the controversy, House Democrats passed a resolution condemning antisemitism — but only among other forms of hatred, and without mentioning Omar specifically. After the resolution passed, Omar took a victory lap, claiming (falsely) that it marked the first time Congress had condemned anti-Muslim prejudice.

More recently, Omar has supported AOC's inflammatory claim that the migrant facilities are "concentration camps."

There is more if you care to read it.

At Pelosi's behind-the-scenes weak insistence, Omar periodically spouts a weak sorry-but-not-sorry non-apology apology and then, poof — does it again!

So who is Omar's Democratic primary opponent?  An evil, white skin privileged racist, sexist male whom the Democrats could not, in good conscience, endorse?  Hmmm, not exactly

She has a strong Democratic challenger in the primary in her heavily Democratic district. Her challenger is African American Antone Melton-Meaux, whose father is a decorated Vietnam veteran, whose mother grew up picking cotton and whose wife is a surgeon.

Melton-Meaux, a graduate of the University of Virginia School of Law, founded a law firm in Minnesota. A recipient of the prestigious Congressional Black Caucus Fellowship, he worked with former Democratic National Committee Chair Donna Brazile.

He raised $3,200,000 in the last quarter, compared to $471,000 raised by Omar, and had twice as much money in the bank for the last month of their primary campaign.


So anti-Jewish it is for the Democratic party and its congressional leader, Nancy Pelosi.

"But, but...," Pelosi will undoubtedly sputter, "how can I be anti-Jewish when some of my best friends, some of my best colleagues, one of my best sons in law is Jewish?"

Easy, peasy, Speaker Pelosi: Because you, as a Democratic leader, tolerate this persistent and deep and widespread anti-Jewish behavior in your party, as do the other Democrats.  It is anti-Jewish. And yes, being anti-Israel is anti-Jewish.

To paraphrase that wise old saying, "If it walks like an anti-Jewish duck, if it talks like an anti-Jewish duck, it if acts like an anti-Jewish duck, well then, it is an anti-Jewish duck." 

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr.

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