Leftists fighting racism with racism

While the frenzy of rioting and looting has calmed down somewhat in recent weeks, it has been supplanted by the growth of a pernicious double standard in American attitudes toward race.  All across America, blatantly racist practices and statements are being hailed and promoted in the name of combating white supremacy and institutional racism — so long as the targeted race is white, anyway.

Early into the rioting that would rampage across the nation, Seattle mayor Jenny Durkan stated on her Twitter feed: "I want to acknowledge that much of the violence and destruction, both here in Seattle and across the country, has been instigated and perpetuated by white men."  Lincoln County in Oregon implemented a mandatory mask-wearing policy for all its residents but exempted individuals if they were nonwhite.  This policy was reversed only after significant backlash by community residents, which county officials claimed as, without a hint of irony, "horrifically racist commentary."  The federally funded Smithsonian published a graphic urging Americans to be aware of supposed whiteness-related concepts, such as the scientific method, being polite, and "rugged individualism."  While that graphic was eventually removed, the Smithsonian continues to maintain the following statements on its website: "Whiteness (and its accepted normality) also exist as everyday microaggressions toward people of color," and "[w]hite people can possess other marginalized parts of their identity, but their race is not one of these."  A member of Seattle's city council has suggested the firing of police officers on the basis of skin color, the color being white.

These are all just a few examples of the racist hysteria that has swept across the nation, not against black Americans or other people of color, but against whites.  Replace mentions of the word "white" with "black" in any of these instances, and it won't take a vivid imagination to conceive of the nonstop outrage.  Acceptance of and complacency toward racism, so long as it targets the "right" races, will only encourage further discrimination.

This is not a new phenomenon to the United States.  Affirmative action, which typically biases preferential hiring and academic admissions against whites and Asians in favor of other racial minorities, has been the most visible form of this.  In the 2003 SCOTUS case Grutter v. Bollinger, the court held that preferential academic admissions treatment for racial minorities did not violate the Fourteenth Amendment.  However, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor famously wrote as part of her majority opinion, "The Court expects that 25 years from now, the use of racial preferences will no longer be necessary to further the interest approved today."  That deadline is fast approaching, yet racial affirmative action is not any closer to ending.  O'Connor's ruling has not been treated as a warning against overreliance on affirmative action, but as carte blanche to implement it across America.  As a consequence, progress against one of the few blatantly racist policies on the books today is being reversed.  California's famous Proposition 209, which has banned any consideration of race in school admissions in the state since 1996, is being challenged yet again in this year's election, with the state Senate overwhelmingly voting in favor of including a ballot to repeal Prop. 209.  The lack of effective challenges to affirmative action, on both the judicial and political fronts, has strengthened its permanency and threatens to roll back what little has been done against it.  The same will be true for many of the new forms of anti-white racism prevalent today.  Calling out and demanding action against the racism of the left is a crucial first step to opposing and reversing it.

This racial discrimination is not restricted to only fringe elements of the far left.  The tolerance of it by the mainstream media, and their silence on racist government policies, speaks volumes.  Does anyone doubt that a county mandate demanding that masks be worn only by non-whites would make national headlines for weeks?  Furthermore, supposedly "mainstream" and "moderate" Democrat politicians openly and proudly showcase the same racism.  Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has openly pledged that his pick for the nation's highest court will be restricted on the basis of race and sex, a black woman.  Biden has effectively stated that he is willing to sideline merit and judicial record in favor of a person's race and sex for a pick to the Supreme Court.  It doesn't matter whether what a judge might have accomplished, what judicial philosophy he subscribes to, or how experienced he is.  Under a President Biden, he will be blocked off from achieving the pinnacle of his career because of how he was born.  One of the most important institutions in the American government will be gate-kept on the basis of one's skin color and chromosomes.

It is nearly impossible to find any mention of these facts in mainstream media outlets.  However, it will be the political reality should Biden win election in November.

The 2020 election is undoubtedly a crossroads for this nation.  Should Biden win, the left-wing racism propagated throughout our nation in recent months will be solidified and emboldened to new heights.

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