Leftists frame abortion as a triumph over misogynistic racism

In the ongoing fight about systemic racism in America, a pro-life group has seized the momentum in New York to promote the message that black babies in utero have lives that matter.  This message contrasts sharply with the ACLU's bizarre claim that, because white doctors 150 years ago tried to drive black midwives out of business to have a monopoly over childbirth, aborting black babies is one of the best ways to take a stand against systemic racism.

The Frederick Douglass Foundation of New York, a Christian, pro-life, pro-American organization, took note of the fact that Mayor Bill de Blasio dedicated taxpayer money to paint the words "Black Lives Matter" on the street in front of Trump Tower, a building in which President Trump no longer lives.  The Frederick Douglass Foundation concluded that if New York City streets are now billboards for political advertising, it had a different message to share.

On July 4, the organization went to a Planned Parenthood and, on the street in front of it, using yellow letters to match de Blasio's, wrote "Preborn Black Lives Matter":

According to Peter Vazquez, president of the Frederick Douglass Foundation, Americans cannot fight racism without acknowledging the prevalence of abortion in black communities:

"A fight against racism without addressing the number one killer in Black America is self-defeating," said Peter Vazquez, president of the foundation. "The pro-life community continues to be ignored by those in positions to effectuate change; for too long community and even some faith leaders have squandered opportunities to focus on life, education and growth as a means to enrich our families and neighbors."

Reading those words, I was reminded of an ACLU article that's been circulating among leftists for the past couple of weeks.  It makes the peculiar argument that killing black babies is the antidote to America's history of slavery and the horrors 19th-century doctors visited on black women, including their effort to end midwifery in America.

The article, entitled "The Racist History of Abortion and Midwifery Bans," contends that the anti-abortion movement is rooted in white supremacy.  It is simply the endpoint of America's history of exploiting black women and putting women's bodies into men's service.

As the author sees it, before the Civil War, abortion and contraceptives were not only legal, but the purview of female midwives, most of whom were black or Native American.  When the Civil War ended, and modern medicine began, white male gynecologists decided to drive these minority women out of business.

According to the ACLU, the doctors' goal was pure misogyny and white supremacy.  Indeed, having made this point, the article goes into an extended, discursive riff about all the horrors whites inflicted on minorities.  The vast panoply, scope, and success of the American experiment is reduced to a list of bad things against minorities.  It's as if racial hatred were all that Americans did, day in and day out, for two hundred years, without pause for other concerns or activities.

The article then loops back to the main point: the pro-life movement is racist because over a hundred years ago, male medical doctors, in an orgy of white supremacy, wanted to destroy black midwives who performed abortions.  The fact that the doctors were pushing for an economic monopoly doesn't occur to the author.

The author appears unaware of the fact that Margaret Sanger, like other eugenicists of her time, saw abortion and birth control as a way to purge America of undesirable races to leave room for a pure Anglo-Saxon race — which is why she ended up with speaking gigs for the KKK.

What's most ironic about the article is that it quotes Sojourner Truth mourning the children that slavers seized from her:

I have borne 13 children, and seen most all sold off to slavery, and when I cried out with my mother's grief, none but Jesus heard me! And ain't I a woman?

Those are powerful words from a woman who lost her children because of her and their race.  It's hard to imagine that she would approve of a movement that encourages black women to destroy their babies, so much so that a black baby is more likely to be killed in utero in New York than to be born.  It seems more likely that she would smile upon an organization that wants to help black women keep their babies, not lose them.

(Final note: This black abortion rate may explain the staggering rates of black-on-black murder.  If leftist culture urges black women toward abortion, why should others in the community place a higher value on black lives than these mothers do?)

Image: Twitter screen grab.

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