Leftists had a very peculiar way of celebrating America’s Independence Day

On July 4th, Americans got the chance to see two contrasting visions of their country. President Trump, in a speech the day before, articulated the ideas that make America great, ideas that are unrelated to race, sex, creed, or any other victim grouping Democrats devise. Meanwhile, leftist activists, both celebrities and nobodies, took to the internet and the streets to “f*** the Fourth.”

Standing at the foot of Mt. Rushmore, President Trump issued a stirring declaration of traditional American values. He honored our most consequential presidents – Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Teddy Roosevelt – and spoke with passion about America’s ideals: “Our Founders launched not only a revolution in government, but a revolution in the pursuit of justice, equality, liberty, and prosperity.” He spoke of the family’s centrality to American life, of national sovereignty through meaningful borders, and of a nation’s responsibility to protect its people.

Significantly, after Trump called out the totalitarianism emanating from the American left, he contrasted it with classical American values, all of which are equally applicable and beneficial all American citizens, regardless of their placement in the Democrat victim hierarchy:

We believe in equal opportunity, equal justice, and equal treatment for citizens of every race, background, religion, and creed. Every child, of every color — born and unborn — is made in the holy image of God. (Applause.)

We want free and open debate, not speech codes and cancel culture.

We embrace tolerance, not prejudice.

We support the courageous men and women of law enforcement. (Applause.) We will never abolish our police or our great Second Amendment, which gives us the right to keep and bear arms. (Applause.)

We believe that our children should be taught to love their country, honor our history, and respect our great American flag. (Applause.)

We stand tall, we stand proud, and we only kneel to Almighty God. (Applause.)

Predictably, as Monica Showalter detailed, leftist media outlets responded with outrage to Trump’s speech. In our new woke era, lauding abstract values that are great and timeless is a dark, divisive, ugly thing.

Hard though it may be to believe, the media’s temper tantrum paled compared to the obscene, theatrical, and exceptionally ugly anti-American conduct in which celebrities and common-as-dirt protesters engaged on July 4th itself.

In Washington, D.C., Black Lives Matter activists, deliberately trampled an American flag and then burned it:

Indeed, like potty-mouthed toddlers thrilled to have learned a new dirty word, leftists from celebrities on down, proudly shouted “f*** the Fourth.” A handful of people who qualified for blue checks on Twitter led the pack:

And then there’s Colin Kaepernick, a second rate football player (he always failed when the going got tough), who fell in with an activist Muslim woman, and therefore decided that he hated a country that’s enriched him to the tune of $20 million:

Putting aside second-rate celebrities, Twitter was filled with ordinary leftists who have no idea how lucky they are to be in America as they give voice to their hatred:

(Wouldn’t the ignoramus who tweeted out the above image be surprised if he were to learn that Native Americans were among America’s most dedicated slaveholders?)

(I wonder if that genius, with his silly cartoon, knows that the Democrats were the leaders when it came to slavery, the wars against Native Americans, and Japanese Internment Camps.)

Looking at the above tweet, its amazing how ugly a young woman can become when she's radiating assassination porn and hatred. And seriously, should her t-shirt merit a visit from the FBI?

And then there was creature in the tweet below who wants to drive Trump off Twitter. Does she (I think it’s a she) realize that doing so ends Twitter? And isn’t it time for Trump to move to Parler?

Because the media is slobbering over these attacks against America and her ideals, leftists believe they have the upper hand leading up to November. Maybe they do.

Still, it’s hard to believe this venom will play well outside of America’s Democrat enclaves, communities that will vote for Biden even if he lapses into complete dementia. To win the White House, though, Democrats have to persuade the rest of America and this open hatred probably isn’t the way to do it.

Image: Twitter screengrab

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