Racial grievance mongers with the least to be aggrieved about

As the black, socialist, radical, underground movement tunnels its way to the surface of a U.S. gone mad, 'normal' is under attack.  

A closer examination reveals that it isn’t a black uprising at all, but a subset of predominantly white, self-loathing young people ashamed of their own existence and seeking atonement at the alter of the myth of systemic racism in America.  Years of misinformation, a lack of historical teaching, and an agenda-driven educational system geared to indoctrinate rather than inform by teaching what to think instead of how to think leads us to this moment.

Ward Connerly is a well-respected 81-year-old black iconoclast and founder of the American Civil Rights Institute.  An actual descendent of slaves, he has lived through the era of Jim Crow and de facto racism, and this is what he had to say recently in an editorial in the Wall Street Journal.

“The claim that America is “systemically racist” is a false narrative that fuels racial paranoia, division and hatred.”  He went on to say, “Our history is the best proof that America is not a racist nation. A nation of white racists wouldn’t elect and re-elect a black man as president. Those who assert that the U.S. is racist must, at a minimum, address this historical fact.”

Since 1980, more than 2 million sub-Saharan African’s have legally emigrated to the U.S.   Would they flock to a racist nation?  U.S. Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is one of those emigrants.  After the United States of America saved her life and the lives of her extended family by allowing their settlement here from Somalia, she was able to rise to the highest level of political office.  Today, Omar uses her office as a bully-pulpit to trash America.  Back in Somalia, her words would get her killed.

As hate-filled as Omar is, America is unique in protecting her right to her hatred.

Born a poor black girl in America, billionaire Oprah Winfrey becomes so popular she is recognizable by only her first name.  Professional football player Colin Kaepernick took a knee during our national anthem expressing his opinion about racial oppression, while under contract to make upwards of $126 million.  Many National Basketball Association players have lots of opinions about racism and the police, never mind that the league is 75% black and the average salary is $7.7 million. 

These very people, the most recognizable and vocal with a media platform to reach millions, sadly use their voices to convince us that what we see with our own eyes isn’t true.  These famous people are living proof that achievement and success are a part of the American fabric.  Better their voices be directed at those in despair and facing in the wrong direction.  Better to use those powerful voices to say, I did it, you can do it too, instead of trying to convince us that the greatness, the beauty and traditions of the United States of America are anything less than extraordinary, exceptional and a gift from God Almighty.

Kingsley is a private investigator and writer.  You can read his blog posts at bobkingsley.com

Image credit: Obama White House Archives // public domain


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