Tammy Duckworth campaigns for vice president

At first glance, Iowa Sen. Tammy Duckworth seemingly blew it with her lunatic left remarks on President Trump and his manificent pro-America speech for the Fourth.

Here's The Hill's account:

The Illinois Democrat told CNN’s “State of the Union” that the president’s Friday speech in South Dakota “spent more time worried about honoring dead Confederates” than discussing the number of Americans who died from COVID-19. 


“I mean his priorities are all wrong here,” she said. “He should be talking about what we’re gonna do to overcome this pandemic. What are we going to do to push Russia back?”

“Instead, he had no time for that,” she added. “He spent all his time talking about dead traitors."

Duckworth is running for vice president after all, and is said to be a top contender. Asked today if Biden should pick a Black woman as his running mate, she demurred, signalling that yes, she'd like it to be her. And she is near the top of the list. Joe Biden is looking for a Midwesterner (of color) such as her - decorated, wounded war veteran, seemingly moderate - to assure ordinary Americans that the crazed left won't be running his Democratic presidency. For her to call the men on Mount Rushmore 'dead traitors' is frankly shocking. Antifa couldn't have come up with a better epithet. Welp, that blows her chance for vice president.

Except that it doesn't. What it does do is highlight that this kind of sick, crazed hatred of America has infected all levels of Democratic Party thinking. And she's riding the crest.

There's also a second interpretation to what she was saying and it's equally disturbing -- that she was, Charlie Cooke put it "flat out lying" rather than calling the men on Mount Rushmore "dead traitors." Here's what he noted in NR:

At Mount Rushmore, Trump made a speech about the Revolution, not about the Confederacy. I know this because I can read. “Declaration of Independence” appears in the speech three times. “Revolution” and “Founders” appear four times each. “1776” appears five times. The phrase “all men are created equal” is singled out as a set of “immortal words” that “set in motion the unstoppable march of freedom.” By contrast, “Confederacy” isn’t there at all, nor are “Stephens,” “Davis,” “Lee,” or “Forrest,” and the sections on the Civil War are vehicles for the adulation of Abraham Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation.

In other words, she and the media were spinning a JournoList-style lie that President Trump was defending dead Confederates, something he did not in that stellar speech. He defended the great founders, patriots, and people of excellence, he didn't talk about Confederates. So for Duckworth to be spouting that indeed would be a lie.

Which again, in a normal world, is a deal-breaker for the office of vice president. Except that this is not a normal candidate.

What better way to send a message to corrupt Joe Biden that she would gladly lie for him and cover for him than by brazenly lying for the cameras. That quality might be even more attractive to Old Joe, who has much corruption to hide, and much corruption to get done should he ever become president. Tammy Duckworth was sending the signal that she'll lie as handily as Susan Rice.

Trump spent his time talking about America, and its heroes. The heroes he focused on were the men of Mount Rushmore, four men no Democrat today can hold a candle to. Duckworth's lowly ethics in particular don't measure up. How disgusting that someone like this is even considered to be a worthy candidate for the White House. 

Photo illustration by Monica Showalter with use of public domain image from U.S. Congress, modified.

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