The Fourth and our Founders

The Fourth of July is a day all Americans should pause and give thanks for the Founding of America.  At the rate that those from all over the world have come and want to come here, other parts of the world should also give thanks.  Although we never asked for their gratitude, the Free World should also give thanks to the founding of America, for without it, fascism and communism would have won two world wars and two other wars.

 America was founded on freedom of religion, not from religion, as some seem to wish.  Many have died to protect this freedom and the other inalienable rights reserved to us by our Declaration of Independence and finally our Constitution.  There is nothing wrong with celebrating America's birth, any more so than would be celebrating the birthdays of our children and others.

 Today, we have groups who are attacking our Founders on the grounds they owned slaves at the time.  That was over 200 years ago.  The Founders were then the educated group in what was to become America.  Who else do these people think would have or could have had the intelligence and forethought in those times to write such documents as our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution?  These brave men, who took on and defeated the most powerful country on Earth at the time, should be revered, not vilified though the lens of today.

For those who want to destroy America and its heritage, let them stop and ask themselves what other nation on Earth has offered people the opportunity for an individual to be free and make the best of themselves.  Look at other countries who have stamped out religious freedom, free speech, and local police.  A most recent example is Hong Kong, where those who were once relatively free are now experiencing a loss of those freedoms by the dominance of a government police force that has shown that it will do whatever it takes to enforce the order as dictated from above.  Such countries tolerate only protest gatherings whose ideals mimic those of their government.  Think East German Stasi, Germany's Gestapo, and the SS.

It doesn't take much honest deep thought to instill an appreciation for America.  Embrace America, and celebrate its founding.  Happy Birthday, America.

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