The left now goes after Goya Foods

As they say in Spanish, "la bola pica y se extiende" or loosely translated to the ball hits the ground and keeps on rolling.  It's actually a Cuban baseball expression about a baseball that lands between two outfields and rolls forever.  It's used by Cubans when a situation just keeps on rolling without any end in sight.

Well, the left just keeps on rolling.  They just can't stand anyone who has a kind word for President Trump.

Bob Unanue, the CEO of Goya Foods, went to the White House as part of a proclamation on Hispanic Prosperity.  He praised President Trump and said this:   

"We're all truly blessed at the same time to have a leader like President Trump, who is a builder," said Unanue, who is of Spanish descent, at the event.

And then the arrows started coming, from Sandy O to Julian Castro.  Some in the left are calling for a Goya boycott or "think twice" about buying their products.

First, Goya Foods is an amazing Hispanic story.  It started many years ago and employed, and continues to employ thousands of employees.  By everything I've heard, it's a good place to work, especially for new immigrants who have trouble speaking English.  I recall that they hired lots of Cubans back in the 1960s and 1970s.

Second, boycotting Goya will only hurt the employees and retailers who sell their fine products.   What are Ocasio-Cortez and Julian Castro talking about?

This is what the election of 2020 is about.  On one side, an imperfect President Trump who understands that this is a noble country where Goya Foods can be a success story.  On the other hand, the "boycott" people who just want to bring down anyone who thinks differently.

So I'm voting to reelect Trump.  The choice could not be more clear.

P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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