Trump's bitter niece writes a screed

Another in a long list of anti-Trump books is about to drop, displacing Bolton's despicable whine as the craze among the haters.  Ever since Trump was elected, there has been a stream of such books.  Not one of them has damaged the president, but they do damage their authors, because each of them has revealed said authors' lack of decency.

These books are not about Trump; they each display for all to read the angry emptiness of the writers themselves.  Exactly who goes about writing books to bring down a duly elected president?  Hollow people — the kind of people so full of envy and hatred for those who have accomplished or achieved what they have not.  This book will be not at all different.  It will reveal Mary Trump as the damaged member of the family.

Mary Trump and her fellow authors of anti-Trump books are really not at all different from those who have been so busy tearing down statues of great men from Columbus to Frederick Douglass and have their eyes on statues of Lincoln; Jefferson; and every other founding father, civil rights leader, or foreign national like Gandhi and Churchill.  The Antifa and BLM rioters and statue-destroyers express their resentment of the triumphs of others by rioting, looting, and destroying any and all memorials to those who came before us.

The Mary Trumps of the world attempt to do the same via their trashy books.  She and her ilk are no better than the thugs destroying their own cities from Seattle and Portland to Chicago and Atlanta.  They seek to destroy others just as any narcissistic personality disordered person does.  They just do it with the craven blessings of a publishing company that sees revenue.  Simon & Schuster has published this one!  The once renowned brand has sullied itself for what?  So the thoroughly ignorant anchors at CNN and MSNBC can wax rhapsodic for a week or so?  Of course.  They may reap some short-term gains and publicity but will lose the respect of readers who once revered their publishing judgment. 

What do writers like Mary Trump hope to achieve?  They seek to affect the 2020 election.  All the Democrats, the NeverTrump Republicans, and the ill educated youths who are pillaging the streets of their own cities are willing to see America destroyed if that is what it takes to remove Trump from office.  They seem not to realize that they are doing his campaign's work for him.  They are defending the rioting, the looting, the criminal destruction of memorials.

Why has the FBI not arrested the leaders of these anarchist organizations that are doing so much damage?  Clearly, the FBI is still a Deep State institution.  Our premier law and order enforcement agency seems to have been permanently rendered ineffectual, as afraid of our anti-American media as the cowardly Republicans.  The media long ago obliterated all meaning from the word "racism," but our self-appointed government elites still fear it as surely as the devil fears a cross.  All the media have to do to make a member of Congress cower is call him a racist.  Few have the guts to rise above their bullying.

So go ahead, Simon & Schuster — publish Mary Trump's trashy, betrayal-of-her-family book, and see what it gets you.  Chances are, it will get you a landslide victory for Trump in November.  Normal people, all those who make the country work, do not like, believe, or put any faith in people like Mary Trump.  The publication of her book may puff her up for a few weeks on cable TV, but she will ultimately regret writing it.  For a while she will be invited to all the right D.C. parties who will hail her as a heroine, but in the end, she is just another angry, envious misanthrope who turned her poison pen against her own uncle, who has been the best president since Reagan.

Those of us who support him do not care about the personal details of Donald Trump's childhood any more than the media cared to reveal JFK's family history while he was in office or the many inconsistencies in Obama's largely fabricated personal history.  It is people like Mary Trump, John Bolton, and the rest of those who have attempted to cash in on the bits and pieces they think they know about Donald Trump who will ensure his re-election.  Most Americans instinctively know that it is "better to have an enemy who slaps you in the face than a friend who stabs you in the back."  We don't like, respect, or believe backstabbers.

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