Biden's mental decline is an issue on the day he's nominated

Tuesday was the day that the Democrats made it official: 77-year-old Joe Biden is the designated Democrat party candidate for president.  Tuesday was also the day that the Trump campaign released a hard-hitting video highlighting the difference between the Biden of five years ago and the Biden of today.  And Tuesday was the day on which a former White House physician announced that something is very wrong with Biden's mental competency.

The old saying is "third time lucky," and Tuesday was Biden's lucky day:

Former Vice President Joe Biden officially became the Democratic Party's 2020 presidential nominee Tuesday night after an unconventional roll call vote of party delegates conducted virtually from landmarks across the country.

Once he amassed the votes, a camera appeared on Biden in Delaware, where after a brief pause, he celebrated the moment with wife, Jill, and bundles of red, white and blue balloons as the family popped streamers. Clapping broke out from Democrats appearing on camera from their living rooms, as the song "Celebration" played.

"Thank you very, very much from the bottom of my heart," Biden said. "Thank you. Thank you."

Hinting at the real balance of power in the Biden household, Biden accepted the nomination while he was in the library at the high school at which his wife, Jill, a Ph.D. who narcissistically insists on being called "doctor," taught English for two years:

At 1:29:27 in the video below, you can see a confused-looking Biden take a cue from his wife and start applauding his own nomination.  Then, after the official statement that he's the nominee, he gives an unusually short acceptance speech before replacing his mask.  He is a husk:

On the same day that Biden accepted his nomination, the Trump team dropped a new campaign video.  It asks a simple question: "What happened to Joe Biden?"  The video isn't arrogant enough to offer an answer to that question.  It simply reinforces the change in Biden over the years by comparing footage of Biden in 2015 with footage of Biden in 2020:

What's really sad is that, when one looks at the 2020 footage, one realizes that the Trump campaign was kind.  The team that assembled the video didn't even use the cruelest footage available.

Also on Tuesday, Dr. Ronny Jackson, who served as White House physician in both the Obama and Trump administration, spoke out about his current impression of Joe Biden:

"The best way I can describe every time I see him is that he's just lost," Jackson said.

"I won't make any particular diagnosis about dementia ... but what I will say is that something is not right," continued the doctor, who just won a GOP congressional primary in Texas.

Asked whether he's comfortable with the idea of Biden assuming the top executive position in the country, Jackson said, "I'm not." 

Jackson stresses that he hasn't personally reviewed Biden's medical records, but has witnessed the changes to the former vice president up-close, over time. 

"I saw him frequently around the West Wing and other places like that. I know he's always been prone to gaffes, but these aren't gaffes anymore. He can't form sentences. Sometimes, he can't complete a thought," said Jackson, whose full comments are available in Donald Trump Jr.'s upcoming book, "Liberal Privilege: Joe Biden and the Democrats' Defense of the Indefensible."

For the first time in American history, we will see a campaign that has, on the Republican side, an incredibly vital man who is dedicated to bringing American back to normal.  Meanwhile, on the Democrat side, we will see a man manifestly losing himself to some form of dementia, with the real candidate being his vice presidential sidekick, a vicious, unprincipled, opportunistic woman who pulled out of the primaries with barely any support from the party faithful and who has a 100% hard-left rating in the Senate putting her to the left of Bernie Sanders.

The next few months should be interesting and could be scary.

Image: Joe Biden, altered VOA American video screenshot (altered) (gov’t work; public domain).

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