From top to bottom, Dems’ principal 2020 strategy is fraud

Dishonesty is the unifying theme of the 2020 election strategy of the world’s oldest political party. With a placeholder, visibly addled candidate at the top of the ticket, the signal to all down the ballot is that reality should be no constraint. The party’s national leadership has been united around the latest phony conspiracy theory that mailboxes are being removed and mail sorting machinery dismantled to obstruct mail voting. That theory was demolished Friday by Postmaster General Louis Dejoy in Senate testimony, but that isn’t stopping the Dems from pushing it.

The message has been received down ballot.

Consider all the fraud in these stories from the past week.

Portland City Commissioner LIES on official Twitter to cover up crime by RIOTERS despite VIDEO PROOF

here’s what she said about Marquise Love, who as you know is a protester (rioter) arrested as one of several people who tried to murder a man in front of a whole crowd of people in the middle of a Portland city street. Love was arrested because he did the crime.




At the Democrats’ convention, a purported “longstanding Republican” from Rhode Island was featured multiple times on video, saying that he has seen the light and now is voting Democrat. The only problem for people interested in reality:

Talk Show Host John DePetro: In “4 out of 5 primaries he has voted as a Democrat …. he is a registered Democrat”

Then there’s the US Senate candidate in Alaska running as an “independent.”  

A U.S. Senate candidate in Alaska bills himself as an “independent,” but he told Democratic donors behind closed doors that he’s actually “to the left” and is only claiming to be an independent now in the hopes it will get him elected.

The Washington Free Beacon reported that Al Gross, who is challenging incumbent Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-AK), made the admission to Democratic donors on Wednesday.

“I will caucus with the Democrats. I’ve been an independent since I was 18, but if you look at my platform, you’ll see that most of my values are to the left,” Gross said, according to the outlet. “I’ve met with leadership in the Senate and they are very understanding that my best pathway to win is to remain as an independent.”

But my favorite this week is the Democrat running for mayor of Sumter, SC, with the main appeal that she would be the first black female mayor, who has been arrested and confessed to staging a fake kidnapping attempt in order to garner sympathy and slur her opponents. WIS TV reports:

A woman running for mayor in Sumter now faces criminal charges after police say she staged her own kidnapping and beating to get “publicity, sympathy and votes in the November election.”


Sabrina Belcher, 29, carried out the stunt on Facebook live, police say, with help from 34-year-old Christopher Eaddy. (snip)


Police say she admitted to faking the crime.


Police also accused Belcher of trying to smear a political opponent during the fake Facebook Live attack, and planning to smear other candidates ahead of the election.

Andy Ngo tweeted out part of the now-deleted Facebook live feed of the phony attack:



Andy also tweeted a side-by-side graphic of a Belcher campaign ad and her mug shot that reveal a degree of visual fraud that is remarkable. Are we to believe that two women are the same person?


Twitter screen grab

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