Take it from Hunter Biden: Joe Biden is 'honest'

Hunter Biden's the guy who needs to be in the basement of Joe Biden's basement.  He shouldn't be anywhere near Joe as the latter campaigns for votes, given his past.

He's a walking, talking scandal, an emblem of corruption, a living reminder that Washington has a political class that looks out for its own and, with the aid of communist dictators, gets very, very rich.  And on the side, oodles of cocaine, strip clubs, and child support payment battles, but never jail time. 

In short, a political liability.  So whom do the Democrats trot out to endorse old Joe?

Sure enough, Hunter Biden, taking a break from his painting adventures and child support battles with an Arkansas judge over his offspring from an Arkansas stripper.  We can't say for sure one way or another about the cocaine.  We know he got thrown out of the Navy for coke, after pull had been used to get him in.  With Hunter, it's always strings and influence from old Dad.

Most important, he's the emblem of corruption, being one of five, count 'em, five, family members who have used Biden's position in high public office to enrich themselves.  Biden got lucrative deals from Burisma, the dodgy Ukrainian gas company that somehow wanted this zero-experience person on its board — to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars.  He also got a lucrative venture capital deal from China, in a place with assets exceeding $1 billion, all on the heels of Dad's vice presidential trips abroad.  Sure, he claims to have disposed of the power position.  But he's kept his lucrative stake, and naturally, the child support judge wants to know.

Bottom line: Dictators everywhere would see Biden coming, and Hunter trailing him, and they knew what to do.

So now we have Hunter Biden touting Joe Biden's "honesty."

It's a little like what this tweeter observers:

Can't top that, so will leave it at that.

Image credit: CBS screen shot from shareable YouTube video.

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