A winning election issue

There are certainly a lot of reasons why you would not want to see a Biden presidency. 

There is one paramount reason however that would never be discussed on CNN, MSNBC, PBS, ABC etc. – for good reason.  It is the surefire winner at family gatherings, water cooler discussions, carpool chats, Facebook and other postings.  It speaks to all your progressive friends on a level they cannot ignore -- their pocketbook.  And it does so in a surprisingly nonpolarizing way.

Ask them how likely a Biden presidency makes the following:

1. Oil drilling is drastically cut back, as is fracking and mining. 

2. Government regulation increases across commerce, manufacturing, and finance.

3. Taxes, both corporate and personal, go up -- a lot.

They not only know all three will happen, they plead for them to happen.

Now ask them how likely are any of the above to negatively affect the U.S. stock market? How about all of them together?  And -- and this is key -- in doing so, what will be the likely effect on their 401k, IRA or 403b retirement statements over say, an eight-year horizon?

As one example of what I am warning, do this simple exercise.  Look at a chart of the Dow Industrials in the final two years of Obama, January 2015 to December 2016.  It actually went from 16,000 to 16,000, due to his corrosive and asphyxiating leadership and the prospects of a Hillary presidency.  Now look at the same Dow Industrials from the day President Trump takes office to the month the Wuhan Virus arrives in the US. It rockets an amazing 13,000 points, from 16,000 to 29,000. 

Image: Jashuah

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