For Antifa, it's time to call a spade a spade

All right now.  Maybe what I am about to say bothers only me and no one else on this particular planet, but even if I am a sole peculiarity, I will not be deterred.

What bothers me involves the chaos in our streets that goes on night after night unabated.  And specifically, how our television commentators refer to the perpetrators.  The Democrat/mainstream media combine insists on calling them "demonstrators" and, of course, "peaceful protesters" at that.

Tucker Carlson and few others are using the term "rioters," which is an improvement.  But others, even among conservative television commentators, have acquiesced in this nomenclature.

It's time to call a spade a spade.  If these wandering souls out of the netherworld are not terrorists, we don't need the word in our lexicon. 

What is a terrorist?  Webster's simply says that a terrorist is one who practices terrorism and then defines terrorism as "the use of violent acts to frighten the people in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal."


Tucker, will you and your colleagues please start calling a spade a spade?

Image credit: Twitter screen shot from video posted by @FogCityMidge.  Enhanced with FotoSketcher.

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