The media's incurious hacks attack Trump’s ban on anti-white seminars

On Friday, Russell Vought, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, issued an order: All federal offices and agencies must immediately stop anti-white, race-based, critical race theory seminars. Left-leaning journalists couldn’t be bothered to investigate what these seminars actually are. Instead, they used the order as a springboard for reiterating their claim that Trump is a white supremacist.

We know about the seminars, especially the ones at Sandia National Laboratory, a nuclear research facility, because whistleblowers have been photographing the material they’re forced to learn. You can see and learn about the material here, here, and here. White employees were made to liken themselves to the KKK and white supremacists and were told that MAGA hats are a form of white supremacy.

If we had an honest mainstream media, the media would inform people about these seminars, as part of its reporting on the order. We don’t have such media, though. Traditional outlets are no longer in the business of news. They trade only in fact-free propaganda. Thus, the AP’s reporting does little more than summarize the order and then attack Trump as a white supremacist: 

The memo comes as the nation has faced a reckoning this summer over racial injustice in policing and other spheres of American life. Trump has spent much of the summer defending the display of the Confederate battle flag and monuments of Civil War rebels from protesters seeking their removal, in what he has called a “culture war” ahead of the Nov. 3 election.

Meanwhile, he has rejected comments from Democratic nominee Joe Biden and others that there is “systemic racism” in policing and American culture that must be addressed.

At The New York Times, Maggie Haberman got around the obligation to inform the public about the seminars by criticizing Vought’s order because it “repeatedly referred to ‘press reports,’ not government documents….” Haberman, like the AP, has no interest in investigating the seminars and learning about the documents herself.

Having impugned Vought’s credibility, Haberman also makes the case that Trump is banning the seminars because he’s a white supremacist:

The memo comes at a time of a national discussion about race, in which Mr. Trump has been firmly against systemic changes in policing and government.

The president has been a vocal opponent of the Black Lives Matter protests against police brutality that have been held across the nation since late May, calling the movement a “symbol of hate.” He has criticized so-called cancel culture, defended the Confederate flag and military bases named for Confederate generals, and accused people of trying to “erase” American history.

The Washington Post, relying on two reporters not just one, also wrote an anti-Trump propaganda piece. The first half of the article briefly summarizes the order’s contents, touches upon Trump’s tweets about the order, and provides a one-line quote from Christopher Rufo, the man who has been diligently revealing what’s going on within federal agencies. At this point, the article as all the depth of a high school paper by a C student.

Having done something less than the bare minimum, these two crack reporters then throw up their hands and say (and I’m quoting), “It could not immediately be learned what training sessions Vought was referring to in the memo.” Apparently, the five minutes of research, including outreach to Rufo or just checking his Twitter feed, to discover information about the training sessions was too much for them.

The reporters think, though, that the order might have something to do with a Fox News segment. They’re right:

The article’s second half is dedicated to reciting how important critical race theory is to remedy old wrongs and to say that Trump is a racist:

Other experts say racial and diversity awareness trainings are essential steps in helping rectify the pervasive racial inequities in American society, including those perpetuated by the federal government. Several studies have found federal contracts are disproportionately awarded to white-owned businesses.


Racial awareness trainings can help officials realize unconscious bias in the awarding of contracts from the federal government, the country’s largest employer, said M.E. Hart, an attorney who has given hundreds of diversity training sessions for businesses and the federal government for more than 20 years. [Sounds like someone’s losing a profitable gig.]


The memo comes after Trump has put himself at the center of intense national debates about race, police tactics, the Civil War and the Confederate flag. Democrats have long taken aim at Trump’s comments about race, including his false assertion that former president Barack Obama was not born in the United States.

And this year, as numerous Black Lives Matter protests occurred around the country after police officers killed or shot Black Americans, Trump has sharply criticized social justice protesters and called for law enforcement to crack down.

Ben Rhodes, the failed novelist who became Obama’s brain, was dangerously wrong about everything except for his statement that reporters “literally know nothing.” It’s actually worse than that. Reporters are deliberately ignorant, lest acquired knowledge forces them to change their minds about Trump. That embrace of ignorance from people the public looks to for information is very close to evil.

Image: Woman reading with a blindfold on, modified on Pixlr; Pikrepo image, free for commercial use.

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