2020: The 'Cancel America' election

I'm a pretty quiet guy.  I love politics, I've volunteered for and worked on campaigns, and I'm not shy about being either Christian or conservative — but I'm also not bombastic, egotistical, or easily offended.  Donald Trump embodies each of these three characteristics, putting his personality on the opposite side of the spectrum from mine.  I worked hard against him in the 2016 primaries, and I couldn't pull the lever in the general that year, leaving it blank and voting down-ticket.

But in two weeks, I'm going to pull the lever to help President Donald Trump win re-election.  The alternative is a radicalized Democratic Party that uses Joe Biden as a puppet, believes that America is racist, and wants to destroy our individual rights — with social media and mainstream media as willing accomplices, and an enfeebled Republican Party as the emasculated opposition.

I was already going to vote for Trump, but a recent speech by Tom Klingenstein has given more juice to the choice.  I'd never heard of Klingenstein — he's a businessman and chairman of the Claremont Institute, but there isn't a lot online about him.  But his speech about why Trump is the man for our moment has 700,000 views after being posted by American Greatness and being endorsed by Rush Limbaugh Real Clear Politics published the transcript, and Twitter is abuzz with Klingenstein's message.

Klingenstein's message in both the viral speech and a more recent one is clear, concise, and heartfelt: that Trump might not get his vote in another time.  But for 2020, the choice is stark: BLM riots have been endorsed by Democrats while most Republicans are muted or even silent in response.  Churches have acquiesced to bans on attendance while bars, liquor stores, and BLM protests are open for business.  And the child abuse called "transgenderism" is gaining steam, with Biden calling it the "civil rights issue of our time."

Trump will fight back against it all.  He actually believes that America is good — which not only is better than the alternative, but in this year is far more important than personality or policy.

Klingenstein doesn't pull punches.  He calls BLM what it is: racist.  He points out what the mainstream media have not: that BLM wants the destruction of the family.  (Klingenstein doesn't mention it, but BLM scrubbed its website of this latter goal.  It must be a coincidence that BLM's scrub of its radical agenda received only conservative coverage on the front page of Google, right?)  He points out that all of the left's goals will result in America's cancelation and that Joe Biden is essentially the hapless front man for it all.

Gregory D. Rohrbough, J.D. is a longtime political activist.  He is also a former director of government relations for the Meredith Advocacy Group and a former director of communications for the National Right to Work Committee.

Image: Needpix.

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