Building the bridge of America's history

With no shared, nonpartisan "bridge" for our shared, nonpartisan history, the facts of our history are at risk of dying from the virus of Karl Marx.  I propose a film series to serve as a foundational baseline of America's history.  This series would be a collaborative, nonpartisan production and would be facilitated by the Trump administration.  The distance between historical events and education is badly in need of a bridge.  Our Builder-in-Chief and his administration's accomplishments in conflict resolution demonstrate the verve and integrity to work with historians and film producers from both sides of the aisle to achieve an accurate, factual testament of our country.

"To my father, impossible is only a starting point" —Donald Trump, Jr.

Don Jr. spoke this quote at the Republican Convention 2016 about the look in his father's eyes when he first said he was going to be our next president.  President Trump also had that look when he promised to rebuild our bridges.  The Brooklyn Bridge and others come to mind.  But there is another bridge that badly needs repair and development.  For this bridge, film, not steel, is the material.  Production, not construction is the job site.  This bridge is a movie that would include conflicts on domestic soil, in addition to wars.

The bridge of history transports facts and meaning

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a movie is worth a million.  The most efficient method for conveying vital information is through moving pictures.  America's history meets criteria for vital information.  "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."  Philosopher George Santayana's warning deserves an addendum in the form of a film series that documents our American history and related world events.  Such a project calls for a merger of four teams: Team A — accomplished historians with a loyalty to facts and an awareness that facts are non-partisan in nature; Team B — screenwriters who have the integrity to value facts and the discipline to weave in measured cinematic creativity; Team C — production, talent, and all related artistic positions; Team D — distribution professionals from mainstream media, educational media, and industrial media.

"What we are talking about is not what we are talking about."

This line from Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf sums up almost every newscast and every protest.  There is a decoy war being waged where unknown casting directors, hired by allegedly unknown producers and directors, are employing and imploring people to physically and verbally break our historical identity apart.  Be it tearing down statues, desecrating churches and synagogues, or spewing hate in the faces of our elected representatives — threats are thrown at everyone in site in lieu of thought-based arguments.  There is no solution but to surrender our rights, liberty, and at times even our food and beverages in order to begin to repent for actions that are not connected to the words spoken about them.  There is no logical linkage for the various forms of name-calling thrown around and the demands made to anyone within earshot.

The repairing of all types of conflicts — from a broken personal relationship to a severed working agreement — begins with finding the factual foundational turf.  The pre-existing unity then becomes the starting point for resolving the conflict.  The Bridge of Film transports viewers from Point Chaos to Point Unity — unity in the pursuit of facts.

Image: Pixabay.

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