Dr. Fauci: 'Not a political person'?

The Trump campaign is currently running a campaign ad touting the president's response to the COVID-19 pandemic and featuring a quote from Dr. Anthony Fauci in which he says, "I can't imagine that anybody could be doing more." 

Fauci has objected to the ad and says the quote was taken out of context.  He said he was referring to the collective efforts of federal public health officials.  In addition, Fauci states it's clear that he's "not a political person."

Is it actually clear that the good doctor is "not a political person"?  Several fundraising emails sent by the Democratic Governors Association (DGA) suggest otherwise.  As background, I subscribe to emails of both the Republican and Democrat parties in furtherance of articles I am working on.  The subject lines of these emails include Dr. Fauci needs your support now!, We need your input on Dr. Fauci, YOUR MASKS ARE WAITING (with a photo of Fauci wearing a 'Vote' mask), FAUCI ALERT, and America Supports Dr. Fauci.

It is hard to imagine that Fauci is unaware of these Democrat fundraising emails that use his name and, in many cases, his photo.  Is it reasonable to assume that the Democrat Party requested his permission before sending the fundraisers out?  If not, why hasn't Fauci objected and demanded that his name and likeness not be used by Democrats?

On the most recent edition of 60 Minutes, Fauci repeated his claim that he "clearly isn't a political person."  Conservative media need to raise questions and confront him with the "clearly political" use of his name for campaign purposes.  Will he denounce these ads, which could be considered an "in-kind" political contribution to the Democrats?

If this fundraising campaign was done with Fauci's knowledge and consent, it certainly raises some ethical and, perhaps, legal questions about his participation.  This could also explain his frequent sniping at Trump in the press and how he never passing up an opportunity to promote himself at the president's expense.  In any event, the American voters need to know the truth about the Democrats' Fauci fundraising emails and the extent of his participation in their creation.

Image: White House.

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