Philadelphia truck bomb: Is Antifa escalating its war on America?

Against a backdrop of Antifa/Black Lives Matter rioting in Philadelphia, police found what looks like a truck bomb, an abandoned truck left in the middle of the street loaded with explosives, which, if they had gone off, could have been disastrous

PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) — An investigation is underway in Philadelphia after police find explosives and other suspicious cargo inside a van at Logan Circle on Wednesday night.

Action News has learned that police recovered propane tanks, torches and possible dynamite sticks from the van.

The bomb squad is investigating. There is no immediate word on who owns the van or if anyone has been arrested.

The discovery comes as the city remains on heightened alert following nights of unrest stemming from the police killing of Walter Wallace Jr.

If it is what it looks like, it signals that the domestic terrorists' war on America is going to a newer and much more dangerous level.  A working analysis suggests that up until now, they've contented themselves with burning and looting shops, creating big fires, assaulting cops and the elderly, and terrorizing outdoor diners.  It may be that the impact of that has worn off, and nobody's paying as much attention now.  And with an election on, some Democratic pols suddenly are tut-tutting their looting and violence.  So to stay scary and relevant, they're taking it to a sickening new Weather Underground–style level with truck bombs. 

This is the kind of thing that went on in Medellín, Colombia in the 1980s and 1990s as drug lord Pablo Escobar (working with the Marxist M-19 urban guerrilla movement) sought to take over.  He borrowed the idea (and training) from the Irish Republican Army to spread terror and empty the streets so that only drug lords would have freedom of movement.  When I visited Medellín a few years ago, people would tell me they were terrified to walk down the street because any parked car could be a two-ton mega-bomb.  Public art was a target, too — a huge bronze Botero statue depicting peace had a bomb planted in it and was torn to shreds.  The aim was always to spread terror.

The Weather Underground was there, too, bombing and killing to cause terror, a logical outcome of the 1960s and its woke radicalism and campus protest.  Bill Ayers, who eventually became young Barack Obama's mentor, was the leader of the orgy of robberies, bombings, and killings, ending the life of at least one police officer and spreading terror and mayhem as an adoring media romanticized them.  "Guilty as sin, free as a bird," he sneered when a wokester jury let this son of a corporate titan off for his many crimes at trial.  After that, he went to teach in public universities, developing woke curricula for schools to teach children to hate their country.  "I don't regret setting bombs," Ayers said.  "I feel we didn't do enough," he told the Times in the interview that ran on 9/11.  He's also the stepfather of San Francisco's chaos-agent district attorney, Chesa Boudin, whose refusal to prosecute violent crimes has left victims furious and San Francisco a hellhole.  The Weather Underground with its alliance with the Black Panthers, in many ways, is comparable to the Antifa/BLM chaos duopoly of today.

There's still no word on who was responsible for the truck filled with explosives at a time of riot, but there's a pattern that suggests a good place to look might be Antifa. 

James Jay Carafano of the Heritage Foundation has an excellent analysis of just how likely is might be that the de facto truck bomb could be linked to Antifa and BLM, based on what is happened so far with their past riots:

For starters, the violence is organized criminal activity. The same destructive activists have been identified at different times in different cities around the country. For example, in August, eight members of the Seattle-based group Riot Kitchen were arrested after wreaking havoc in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Such groups are well-supported, as seen in the viral video of a rented U-Haul truck that appeared in Louisville, Kentucky, immediately after the grand jury verdict was announced in the Breonna Taylor case. The truck was stocked with riot gear and anti-police banners.

They are well-funded. In Grand Rapids, Michigan, for instance, the Michigan Solidarity Bail Fund posted $120,000 bail for rioters. Nationwide, bail funds have received tens of millions of dollars in donations in recent months.

These organized groups have no interest in demonstrating peacefully. They are showing up intending to commit violence. In Portland, Oregon, rioters came to the Portland courthouse armed with fireworks, Molotov cocktails, a circular saw, crowbars, rocks, frozen water bottles and spikes – all instruments for conducting offensive actions.

The Riot Kitchen was a leftist collective with its origins in Antifa's Seattle CHOP zone.  It was picked up by the cops in Kenosha with a supposed food truck full of war-fighting equipment, canned gasoline, and firework explosives.  There was also an Antifa U-Haul truck incident in Kentucky. Like the 1995 Oklahoma City bomber, they seem to like trucks.

Now there's this mysterious truck full of explosives in Philadelphia during its riots. Anyone see a pattern? Maybe Antifa is more than just "an idea" as FBI director Christopher Wray described to Congress (and you can bet Antifa was snickerin). It takes big money and significant organization to create a truck bomb, bigger still when it's a pattern of using trucks to cause mayhem, often filled with explosives. 

These groups thrive when law enforcement is asleep, as unfortunately appears to be the case of the FBI. Maybe they're being quiet about it, but we have yet to see any busts, takedowns, or arrests, not with a group that has Democratic allies and endorsers in Congress. Assorted Antifa Twitter sites endorse Joe Biden.  Philadelphia's Antifa has been quiet in the past month or so and tweets mostly about its tangles and attacks on the Proud Boys, but they recently posted a gif of a puppet called 'Gritty' that interests them against a backdrop of fire.

With truck bombs coming into the picture, maybe this group should draw more attention from law enforcement. The mystery is why it's not happening.

Image credit: Twitter screen shot.

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