So Joe Biden goes under the radar for four days?

We have a debate on Thursday and one of the candidates is "cramming" for the exam, or something like that.  According to news reports, we are not going to see a lot of Joe Biden before he meets President Trump.

So what's going on?  My guess is that they are preparing Biden so he does not fumble the Hunter question.

According to Mary Kay Linge, the issue has started to hurt Biden:

The IBD/TIPP national tracking poll, released Saturday, puts Biden at 50 percent in the head-to-head matchup, with Trump at 43 percent. The 7-point advantage is well outside the survey's 3 percent margin of error.

But the poll of 1,009 likely voters saw Biden's support slip by just over 2 percentage points since Monday — and found an increase of just under 1 percent for the incumbent. 

To be fair, polls always tighten up in late October.  Also, people start paying more attention at this time.

But in this case, the slippage may be more than that.  The Biden campaign has avoided positions on major issues, from court-packing to answering questions about his son's financial activities.  It may be that the slippage in the polls is voters getting concerned that Biden has something to hide.

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Image: Gage Skidmore 

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