Voting in the time of the plague

My bride and I voted Wednesday here in Texas, where early voting began the day before.

For a morning turnout, it seemed strong.  A long line formed outside the library, and the only bottleneck was at the check-in.  We had to show photo IDs.

We also were required to wear masks.  Let that sink in.

I handed my driver's license to the woman, who validated my right to vote by comparing it against the voter rolls.  Presumably, she used my photo ID to compare with my face.  I asked her: "Does it look like me?"

Because I'm so hard of hearing, even with my hearing aids, and the fact that she too wore a mask, I can't even say for certain that she responded.  Her eyes did seem to twinkle a bit, presumably at my ridiculous question.  She waved me through.

I actually witnessed voters come out of the library and remove their masks so they could stand on the sidewalk to talk to each other — and then put on their masks again to get in their cars to drive away.

Has anyone else had enough of this COVID nonsense?

Meanwhile, back in the world turned upside-down by COVID scare-mongers, none other than the World Health Organization has done a predictable 180.  The WHO, which is among those responsible for six months of economy-killing but otherwise purposeless lockdowns, now says it doesn't recommend lockdowns and that they do great harm.  Months ago, the WHO also admitted that masks may be good at making people feel good about themselves but aren't worth snot in preventing spread of the virus.

My wife and I voted for the guy who catches hell for not wearing a mask 24/7.  We also pray that the bureaucrats operating polling places have a firmer grip on reality than did the self-anointed health "experts."

Image: Mark Landsbaum.

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