Why do American liberals so hate themselves?

Before settling in the USA, I traveled extensively.  I have been to the East and to the West and many places in between, but in all my experience, I have never seen any country's citizens as self-loathing as liberal Americans.  It is intense and quite a phenomenon.

In Egypt, where I was born and raised, people are far poorer and not nearly as free as they are here.  Most lack the opportunities available to the most disadvantaged American, and yet, almost to a person, they are proud of Egypt and its history.

Like the history of all countries, and far more so than in the United States, Egyptian history is deeply imperfect.  Egypt had slavery long before the United States and kept it long afterward.  Egypt still has racism.  Egypt has rampant inequality and political instability, and yet Egyptians are still proud to be Egyptian.

Even when their political faction is out of power, Egyptians are still proud of their country, their culture, and their history.  Not so for liberals in the United States.  Since Donald Trump legitimately won the presidency in 2016, he and those who elected him have been continuously vilified.  They have been called Deplorables, idiots, racists, bigots, liars, clowns, scum, and the list keeps going on.

American liberals denounce not just the president and his followers, but just about every white American who came before them — Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, even Lincoln.

Trump's opponents resort to name-calling for one reason.  They have no valid ideas of their own and no winning strategies.  With their control of the media, they are preying on the ignorance of their supporters about the core that are facing the world today.  They also prey on the emotions and the rebellious nature of our youth.

Leaders of the left appeal to the worst instincts of their followers — jealousy, self-righteousness, fear — to mobilize them.  Lacking faith in God or country, leftists despair if they lose an election.  Lacking morality, they will do whatever they can get away with to get rid of the "Orange Man" and propel the old guard into power once again, even if the "leader" of that guard is the hollow, senile, foul-mouthed Joe Biden.

They are dragging us all into the mud and pushing the adopted country that I love into oblivion.

Image: This was not my dream by Loco Steve.  CC BY-SA 2.0.

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