Conservative outlets need to be wary of hoaxes

One of the best ways to hide something is to surround it with lookalike objects.  Currently, Democrat activists want to hide the massive voter fraud that is making itself known through thousands of affidavits signed under penalty of perjury and through legitimate data analysis that shows unmistakable fraudulent activity.  Some activists are trying to flood conservatives with hoaxes to bury facts in a phony morass.  This post stands as a warning to all Trump-supporters, whether in the conservative media or not, to vet stories carefully.

I got an email from a "Rachel Boyd Gibson" ( The accompanying picture for the Gmail account showed an attractive young black woman.  The email came to me via a bcc, so I was unable to see any other recipients.  Its title was "Tip: Coordinated voter fraud in Dekalb County Georgia: absentee ballots requested and returned by dead people all on the same dates."

The message was simultaneously vague and specific.  "Gibson" claimed that she was "sending this message to you and other news organizations" to report coordinated voter fraud in her neighborhood.  Because American Thinker is a well known publication, we receive many such emails, so I took the time to read what "Gibson" had to say.

"Gibson" explained that she went on her local listserv (no link, of course) to ask people to check voting records for DeKalb County to see if their dead relatives and friends had voted.  Lo and behold, in her neighborhood alone, she got more than 27 emails from people who had discovered dead people voting.  Gibson wants to get the word out:

You can quote me on all of this and Im willing to do whatever to make sure the word gets out ASAP so others can know the truth, come forward with allegations of thier own, and so President Trump can be stoped from conceding prematurely

Wow!  This is some serious stuff.  The email had no evidence attached, but bloggers anxious to share reports about election fraud might overlook the missing evidence.  Stop the cyber-presses!  There's even more evidence of fraud.

However, things went a little differently with me.  For one thing, I'm always curious about people, so I promptly searched for Rachel Boyd Gibson.  I found her, too.

Rachel Boyd Gibson married Joseph Jackson Redmond and had seven children!  A family that large seems unusual until you discover that Rachel Boyd Gibson was born in 1844.  Big families were more common back in the 1860s, when she would have been having her children.

I discovered something intriguing about the Gmail address as well.  The number "427," which is part of the Gmail handle, shows up in the Urban Dictionary as slang for drinking during happy hour.

When the email from "Gibson" hit my inbox, I was having dinner and wasn't checking for any emails.  When I finally checked my emails an hour later, I got both the original email and a follow-up.  "My apologies," it said.  "It appears the screenshots did not attach."

The second email had nine screenshots.  They're all roughly the same, so I'll just include one here:

What's interesting about the nine screenshots are the names in the upper-right-hand corner of each screenshot.  If you're a punster, you'll appreciate them.  For convenience, I've consolidated them into a single image:

For those who are not punsters, the names are

  • Fred Uhlent = fraudulent
  • Richard Taytor = dictator
  • Sean Eyl = senile
  • Beau Guss = bogus
  • Stewart Pehd = stupid
  • Ray Cyst = racist
  • Dean Eyl = denial
  • Ed Sturn = (This one defeated me.)
  • Lou Tsur = loser

The "Gibson" hoax isn't the only fake fraud report I received (and that's quite the oxymoron, isn't it?).  I also got an email with an attachment that promised to bust wide open the Democrat plot to take the White House.  I think even someone very trusting would have figured that one out.

The email hoax I've described here was a little more sophisticated because of the time lag between a fairly credible email and the hoax attachments.  With people having invested emotionally in the email, they might have missed the clues in the attachments.

I predict that conservative outlets, both large and small, will receive a flood of fakes in the coming days.  Again, the purpose will be to make conservatives look like fools who will believe anything — and to "prove" that all the stories of election chicanery are hoaxes.

If you get an email that sounds too good to be true, before you rush out to promote it as proof that Democrats committed fraud, please do what you can to crosscheck that email and confirm the information.  Otherwise, we'll end up doing with the legitimate facts proving fraud the same thing Democrats have done with legitimate ballots: they'll be so intermingled with the fraud that it will be heinously difficult to pull them apart and get to the truth.

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