Maybe Biden will tell us after the election

Back in February, I appeared on the local Univision channel and was convinced that a strong economy would re-elect President Trump.  Little did I know, or anybody know, that we'd be talking about something called "COVID" on Election Day.

On Sunday afternoon, I caught a bit of former V.P. Biden.  He was honestly hard to understand because of the mask.  I read the transcript, and it confirmed that he said nothing.

Biden warned of a "dark winter."  Then he went off on blaming President Trump for 220,000 deaths.  I guess a President-Elect Biden will turn on a switch and make the virus go away.  Of course, he will listen to the science, whatever that means.

In fact, the economy is coming back in large part because of how strong it was in March when the you-know-what hit the fan.  President Trump rallied the medical community to develop a vaccine and therapeutics.  He turned on our manufacturing capabilities to produce medical equipment and supplies.  It was an impressive display of leadership.

So what would a President Biden have done?  He would have listened to the scientists.  Which ones?  Maybe he will tell us after the election.

I voted early for President Trump in Texas.  Please vote for President Trump and keep the country moving forward.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Image: Gage Skidmore.

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