Obama attacks Trump — and reveals a lot about himself

Barack Obama has always had a distant relationship with the truth.  ("If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.")  However, during his 60 Minutes interview yesterday, Obama uttered what may be his worst lie ever.  With minimal subtlety, he compared Trump to a dictator who might "kill" people to keep himself in power.

Obama is a man of staggering dishonesty.  He lied about his past, he lied about Obamacare, he lied about Benghazi, he lied about Syria, he lied about shovel-ready projects, and he probably lied about his autobiography (which Jack Cashill credibly argues Bill Ayers wrote for him) — to name just a few of the endless list of falsehoods to pass Obama's lips.

Many of Obama's lies — most notably the ones he told to pass Obamacare — were tremendously harmful, for they literally destroyed people's lives and livelihoods.  However, I don't believe THAT Obama ever told as mendacious a falsehood as the one he uttered during the usual fawning interview on 60 Minutes when he implied that Trump is a dictator:

"I think that there has been this sense over the last several years that literally anything goes and is justified in order to get power," Obama advised. "And that's not unique to the United States. There are strong men and dictators around the world who think that I can do anything to stay in power. I can kill people. I can throw them in jail. I can run phony elections. I can suppress journalists. But that's not who we're supposed to be. And one of the signals I think that Joe Biden needs to send to the world is that no, those values that we preached, and we believed in, and subscribed in, we still believe."

One doesn't even need to be literate to read between the lines.  Remember, Obama is still the figurehead of a party that has spent the last four years calling Trump a racist, sexist, homophobic man who is literally Hitler or even worse than Hitler.  Obama is a bit more subtle than his acolytes, but he basically made the same Hitler argument they did.

Let's pick apart what Obama said:

"I think that there has been this sense over the last several years that literally anything goes and is justified in order to get power."

Obama clearly excludes himself from this statement, but he shouldn't.  Obama was an "anything goes" kind of guy.  After admitting that his political plans either were unconstitutional or couldn't get past Congress, Obama announced, "I've got a pen and I've got a phone."

He proceeded to legislate unilaterally on immigration policy (DACA), engaged in a war in Libya without Congress's permission, and enter into a treaty with Iran without congressional approval.  If you're Obama, "literally anything goes."

"There are strong men and dictators around the world who think that I can do anything to stay in power."

Ostensibly, Obama's talking about people outside the U.S.  However, because one of the main thrusts of the interview was that Trump is bad because he refuses to accept defeat, it could not be plainer that Obama is likening Trump to others who "do anything to stay in power."  That's an interesting statement from a former president who seeded the Russian Collusion hoax in a coup attempt against his successor.

"I can kill people. I can throw them in jail. I can run phony elections. I can suppress journalists."

Those statements make sense when you remember that Obama is a narcissist.  It was he who boasted about picking each drone strike victim in the Pakistan borderlands; turned on Gaddafi, who had laid down his arms against America; left four Americans to die in Benghazi; jailed Nakoula Basseley Nakoula to cover up for the Benghazi disaster; and spied on journalists.  So when Obama says, ostensibly hypothetically, "I can," what he really means is "I did."

And what about that part of the statement in which Obama said (ahem) hypothetically that "I can run phony elections"?  I assume that, after exposing massive election fraud in 2020, Trump will remain in the White House.  That will allow a forensic analysis that may look back to the 2012 election, which I suspect was a trial run for 2020.

The only reason the Democrats didn't repeat that fraud in 2016 was because it was inconceivable to them that Hillary would lose to Trump.  In 2020, however, they weren't taking any chances, so they had all their fraudulent ducks in a row, along with using the media and Big Tech to suppress any negative Biden stories while amplifying falsehoods about Trump.

When you look at what Obama said and did, you realize that Obama's statement during 60 Minutes not only accused Trump of being a murderous dictator, but also summed up portions of the Obama presidency.

Image: Obama on 60 Minutes.  YouTube screen grab.

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