The Supreme Court and new House are President Trump's immediate legacy

For the record, I'm hoping President Trump wins every challenge or the election goes to the House and he wins 26-24.  At the same time, it may not happen unless something changes very fast over the next couple of weeks.

Nevertheless, President Trump accomplished three things that will make it difficult for a President Biden to govern.

First, the appointments to the Supreme Court.  My guess is that this Court is going to drive the left crazy when President Biden tries to govern by executive orders.

Second, the new conservative women in the House.  They are pro-life and hate socialism.  These ladies will drive Nancy Pelosi crazy, especially when her own fragile majority falls apart.  They are a diverse group and confirm another Trump success with minorities, as Liz Peek wrote about Proposition 16 in deep blue California:

While African Americans might have been swayed by the promise of more access to higher education if admissions were based on race, Hispanics and Asians may have thought that affirmative action programs would work to their detriment.

It is noteworthy that despite every major Latino organization promoting Prop 16, every single majority-Hispanic county voted against it.

Last, and not least, the GOP success in state legislatures will mean that 2022 districts will look different from 2020.  There are many Democrats who will have to decide between a new career or running in a more conservative-friendly district.

No matter what, Trump leaves behind a stronger and diverse GOP, a better Supreme Court, and a media establishment that will miss him a lot more than it now realizes.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Image: Angela N.

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