What the missing Tucker docs really tell us

Last Wednesday evening, Tucker Carlson informed his audience that a source had come forward with "damning" documents linked to the Bidens.  Those documents were shipped to Los Angeles, where Carlson was preparing his interview with former Biden business associate Tony Bobulinski.  They disappeared en route.

The following day, UPS revealed to Business Insider that it was the national carrier of the package and that the contents had been found.  Liberals were quick to label Carlson as a black helicopter conspiracy theorist for suggesting foul play. 

But even after the documents' recovery, there are still major questions.

According to Carlson, "Tuesday morning we received word from the shipping company that our package had been opened and the contents were missing.  The documents had disappeared."

Regardless of whether the documents were found, why was the package ever opened?

On Thursday, UPS senior public relations manager Matthew O'Connor told Business Insider, "After an extensive search, we have found the contents of the package and are arranging for its return."

It needs to be asked: of all publications, why contact Business Insider?  In the age of social media, it would have been just as easy to release a statement via Twitter or Facebook.  Instead, UPS chose liberal reporter Mia Jankowicz, whose previous columns and tweets are problematic, to say the least.

Would the documents have been found had Tucker not exposed the scandal to his five million–plus viewers?  I have my suspicions.  In a politically charged year, the appearance of deliberately intercepted documents days before the election is just as damning as the contents the documents would reveal.  Which of the two would motivate the Trump base more is hard to say.

Unless UPS gives a legitimate reason for why the package was opened and the documents removed, their finding is not the end of this story.  It's never been about whether the Tucker Carlson's team had backup documents — I'm sure they do.  The shocking revelations confirm a familiar pattern of liberal sympathizers breaking the law in order to sabotage President Trump's chances at re-election.  Whether it's Antifa beating up reporters or FBI agents hashing out an "insurance policy," the rise of the illiberal left and the Deep State is what is on voters' minds.

Image: Gage Skidmore.

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