A Michigan state representative seems to threaten Trump-supporters

During a live video, Michigan state rep. Cynthia Johnson gave a rousing speech to her supporters.  It wasn't about going forth and making America a wonderful place.  Instead, she gave them chapter and verse about harassing and economically destroying Trump-supporters, with strong undertones suggesting actual violence.  The Michigan House disciplined her by stripping her committees, but that was inadequate given what Johnson said.

Johnson had already made something of a name for herself as a thug more than a politician on December 2.  That was when the Michigan House Oversight Committee held hearings for Rudy Giuliani and his many witnesses about the massive amount and variety of fraud that took place in Michigan, especially in Detroit.  Johnson represents the 5th House District, which includes much of Southwest Detroit.

After the various witnesses spoke, Johnson was agitated that the hearing was only from Trump's side of the aisle and eventually accused all of Giuliani's witnesses, who had put their statements into affidavits under penalty of perjury, of lying:

It turns out that this disgraceful performance was a preview of coming attractions.  On Tuesday, Johnson did a live video on Facebook to her supporters.  Johnson began by telling her supporters, "We got some work to do.  We got some work to do."

She acknowledged her people's "efforts" by doing things "right and in order."  Then, glaring at the camera, she added, "There's a good way to do it, and there's a f----- up way to do it."

The point of the video, apparently, was for Johnson to explain to her "soldiers" how to do things the "good way."

"Always provide proof," she warned them.  "Nobody cares what your mouth is saying; provide proof.  Don't get upset with folks and start cussing them out and all that. ... [I]t never works."

Then, abruptly, Johnson said she wished she "could be talking to y'all in a private room because, uh, I just wish I could, but we're public so..."  She trailed off.  The implication was that she could be more explicit if the outside world weren't listening in.

Johnson continued coaching her people, telling them not to "yell" or "curse."  Instead, she said, "Hit their a---- in the pocketbook.  Hit them in the pocketbook."  She noted that she'd set the FBI on someone who "happened to voicemail me."

Then, with a smirk playing across her face, John issued an explicit threat to "Trumpers," solemnly intoning that she and her supporters would be coming to get them:



So, this is just a warning to you Trumpers. Be careful. Walk lightly. We ain’t playing with you. Enough of the shenanigans. Enough is enough. And to those of you who are soldiers, you know how to do it. Do it right. Be in order. Make them pay.

It doesn’t take a lot of imagination to believe that Johnson was issuing serious threatens. She told her supporters, especially her “soldiers,” to be “smart,” and wishes she could tell them in private what she really thinks. And then she loudly and clearly warned Trump supporters in sinister tones that they’d better “be careful, walk lightly,” because her “soldiers” “ain’t playing” but, instead, “they know how to do it” to make those Trump supporters “pay.”

When word got out, the Michigan House stripped Johnson of her committees and suggested there would be further disciplinary action:



It doesn't take a lot of imagination to believe that Johnson was issuing serious threats.  She told her supporters, especially her "soldiers," to be "smart" and wishes she could tell them in private what she really thinks.  And then she loudly and clearly warned Trump-supporters in sinister tones that they'd better "be careful, walk lightly," because her "soldiers" "ain't playing," but, instead, "they know how to do it" to make those Trump-supporters "pay."

When word got out, the Michigan House stripped Johnson of her committees and suggested there would be further disciplinary action:



Watching Johnson in action, it's easy to believe that the same people who would elect this thuggish person, a person who barely makes an effort to appear civil whether in the House chamber or on Facebook, wouldn't think twice about engaging in massive election fraud to achieve political power.





Image: Michigan Rep. Cynthia Johnson threatens "Trumpers."  Twitter screen grab.

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