At last! Dominion voting machines being forensically audited

Thanks to a court order by a judge in Michigan's 13th circuit, Dominion election equipment software and hardware in tiny (population: 23,000) Antrim County, Michigan is being examined by a team of experts brought in by the Trump lawyers.  Jack Phillips of The Epoch Times reports:

President Donald Trump's legal team began a forensic analysis of Dominion voting machines in Michigan after a judge on Dec. 4 permitted the examination.

"Our team is going to be able to go in this morning at about 8:30 [a.m.] and will be there for about eight hours to conduct that forensic examination and we'll have the results in about 48 hours, and that'll tell us a lot about these machines," attorney Jenna Ellis told Fox News on Dec. 6.

"A judge actually granted our team access … to conduct a forensic audit," Ellis added.

Ellis was referring to a ruling from a judge in Antrim County, Michigan, who authorized the audit of 22 Dominion Voting Systems machines, said Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani. It isn't clear which of the several election lawsuits the order originated from.

Later, Antrim County spokesperson Jeremy Scott told the Detroit Free Press that forensic images will be taken from voting machines used during the Nov. 3 election. Judge Kevin Elsenheimer issued the order regarding a challenge from voter William Bailey, who filed a lawsuit alleging that ballots were damaged in a recounting of ballots in a marijuana proposal that narrowly passed, reported Fox News. Elsenheimer's order doesn't mention the presidential race, and it isn't yet clear whether the order allows Trump's team to examine the machines.

Curiously, Twitter is refusing to connect to ("blocking") this tweet with video of Trump attorney Jenna Ellis commenting on the audit (screen grab from here below):




Antrim County is the strongly Republican-leaning county in northern Michigan, on the eastern shore of Grand Traverse Bay, where it was initially reported that Joe Biden had won, but where investigation revealed that 6,000 Trump votes had been credited to Biden by a "glitch."

There is no report yet that I am aware of on the results of the audit, but this tweet by a Michigan-based writer would seem to indicate some...uh...irregularities:



Cynicism is utterly warranted.  We don't know if the machines have been under seal or whether they might have been altered.  But let's see what the audit produces before coming to a conclusion.



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