Can the Supreme Court solve our fundamental problem?

Now the ball is finally at the Supreme Court.  At the heart of the issue is whether the election, at least in the states in question, violated the constitutional rights of the voters — or whether the election generally violated the Constitution of the United States.

Elections and constitutional rights are highly interconnected.  In democracy, elections are the mechanism where voters choose officials to whom they give power to legislate and to interpret and enforce their laws.  They are pivotal to the quality of a country's governance and can greatly affect the country's future.

In political elections, a vote is a manifestation of our constitutional right.  Thus, for elections to be credible and have integrity, they must reflect the free expression of the will of the people.  To achieve this, elections should be fair, honest, and transparent.  When the vote count was done in secret and our votes were mixed with fraudulent votes, manually or through some programmed machines, our constitutional right was denied.

Based on myriad factual and scientific evidence, not to mention the testimonies of numerous whistleblowers, that's exactly what happened in at least six contested states.  The election was stolen.  Hence, not only is the current outcome of the election in the disputed states unconstitutional, but the election itself is unconstitutional.  And a democratic government that follows has only as much legitimacy as the elections themselves.

There is a fundamental reason why stealing is prohibited by one of the Ten Commandments.  Stealing is driven by corrupt morals.  That's why the God of the universe is not joking with the rules.  It may bring temporary victory to the thieves, but the consequences to their community or society are always detrimental.  The most impoverished nations in the world are generally led by the most corrupt elites.  The standard of living and public safety in cities controlled by Democrats are generally deteriorating — not because they are led by Democrats per se, but because they are led by corrupt Democrat local elites.

Corruption is illegal and should never be a norm.

This brings us to the Supreme Court.

The S.C. justices are viewed as the most knowledgeable constitutional minds in the country.  They are supposed to make tough and impartial decisions that few mortals are qualified to make.  They are supposed to make their decisions certainly not based on what the media or a political party says, but on their deep understanding of the Constitution.

We hope so.  If they fail to recognize the problem, we then have a bigger problem than a stolen election.  Corruption is becoming a norm.

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